Chapter 4- Escape

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The gas was burning their eyes and throats. They needed to get out of there, or they were gonna die.

Jake started to walk backwards and bump into a table. He pat his hands all around the table. The smoke was so thick he couldn't see anything.

He cut himself on something sharp. A knife. How stupid was this old man to leave a knife inside the room?

"JOJO, OUT OF THE WAY!" He yelled.

Jake stabbed the door and ripped it apart. He took ahold of JoJo and dragged her up the stairs. He remembered to close the god damn door.

"Why hello there." The man greeted them.
"Let us out or we will call the cops." Threatened JoJo.
"You and what phone?" He said holding her phone upside down, over a toilet.
"You wouldn't." JoJo said.
"Ya, actually, I would."

He dropped JoJo's beloved phone into the toilet. It made a big splosh.

"Now, I'll give you two choices." Added the old, ugly man.
"You can stay here with me and help me with my experiment, or I can kill you."

Jake and JoJo didn't even ask what the experiment was about. They knew it wasn't good. But they didn't want to die.

What do they do you may ask? Well, JoJo knew exactly what to do.

JoJo ripped her bright, neon purple bow put of her hair and started to jab black beard with the sharp edge.
"aH. aH!!!" The man screamed like a  five year old.  She twisted his eye out of its socket and threw it down his throat. He choked and died on his own eyeball.

They ran out of the shed and left all the evidence of the murder inside. They burned it to the ground.

JoJo Siwa was a murder. And Jake Paul was a witness.

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