Chapter 13

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Jiyong was put in an extremely awkward situation. Never mind the fact that Seungri and Youngbae were fast asleep in Seunghyun's bed, sandwiching him in between them, he couldn't move and when he tried to sleep, questions kept popping up in his mind.

'Where is Seunghyun?', was a regular one.
Seunghyun played with the edge of his shirt, anticipated the seventh floor very anxiously.

The elevator stopped at the fourth floor. The doors slid open to let in a woman with tied hair, holding a cup of coffee in her hands. She had dark circles; nearly as deep as Seungri's.

"Noona," Seunghyun bowed. "It's good to see you."

"I've been meaning to talk to you," she announced.

He bit his bottom lip as the elevator shut. "I've heard the news already," he informed her and she nodded.

"I know they are just rumours but as your manager, I want to ask whether they're true. Are they?" Seunghyun felt his heart skip a beat. No, he wasn't in love with his manager; the rumours were true. He didn't know what to say.

"As you said, they're just rumours," he lied and showed a grin.

"Good. I suspected so," she looked at her shoulder and brushed away some dust. "Are you feeling better?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, much better," a beep came out of the elevator speakers and the two parties both entered the floor that had been and is to this day, the most fearsome level in YG Entertainment.
Unable to sleep, Jiyong attempted to escape the grip. He tried sliding out but it was hopeless; Seungri's clutch became even tighter. Jiyong grunted in frustration but then something caught his attention. A sound from his right. His eyes somewhat widened but it was only Youngbae talking in his sleep.

"Because... Because I found snakes under the table...," Youngbae whimpered, making Jiyong question the sanity of his best friend.

Once again, he tried to slip out but seeing as he couldn't, Jiyong reached over to the pocket of Seungri's jeans and fished out his phone really carefully.

"Yes!" Jiyong whispered in victory and smiled. He switched the phone on - which was off for some reason - and went on his messages. He didn't dare touch his twitter or Instagram; there were so many notifications.

Me: It's midnight. Where are you?

Without any waiting, he got his reply.

Bingu: Well if I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise.

Me: I'm stuck in between Seungri and Youngbae :(

Bingu: What?!!!!! explain!!

Jiyong reread what he'd just sent and chuckled. Seunghyun was a really possessive... Partner? They were still deciding.

Me: Haha yeah they were at it all night.

Me: In your bed.

Me: With me ;)

Jiyong could only imagine the look on Seunghyun's face.

Bingu: What the fuck is going on there? Do I need to come and beat the shit out of those two motherfuckers?!

"Oh Seunghyun," Jiyong muttered, smirking.

Me: Yes please :D

He put the phone aside and looked both ways. Suddenly, a despicable idea came into his mind. He laughed on the inside and slowly began to release himself.
He turned and twisted. Nothing. He kicked and punched (lightly). Nothing.

This time, he attempted to unravel Seungri's arms and did so successfully. Now came the easy part. He brought his knees to his chin, victoriously escaping from Youngbae's arms and hopped off the bed. Following his plan, he turned one of the lights on. The duo were so fast asleep that they didn't realise a body missing.

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