Chapter 11

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Jiyong sat on the bed with difficulty. In fact, every time he moved or did anything involving his body below his hips, he hurt a great deal. Nobody had told him that it would hurt this much the day after. Nobody. And now he regretted even taking that chance.

"I WILL kill you, Seunghyun. Just watch how I will strangle you and then - " He hissed under his breath but was interrupted by the previously talked about man entering the room, wearing at least three towels to hide his body.

'We weren't so shy last night, were we?' Jiyong thought to himself.

"What's with all the shouting?" Seunghyun questioned naïvely as if he didn't know what had happened. Or maybe he genuinely didn't.

"Do you know how much my ass hurts? Do you?" Jiyong burst out in silent rage, causing Seunghyun to shudder even though the room was well heated.

"What am I supposed to do?" Seunghyun asked, trying to maintain his natural charisma and coolness. It wasn't impossible but very hard.

"I can't go anywhere today without looking like I've done a million squats. Suggest something."

"Um, what did you do when you wanted to miss school?" Seunghyun couldn't think of anything. He hadn't encountered such situations before.

"I went to the trainee centre." Jiyong answered honestly

"Well that helped." Seunghyun stated sarcastically and ruffled his hair. He, too, wasn't entirely aware of what would happen the day after. Wishing that they were knowledgeable about the topic of sex, he settled next to Jiyong. They still felt awkward despite being over the moon the night before.

"What did you do then?" Jiyong asked as he felt a cold wave pass through his body, causing him to slide into the duvet. He lay on his side, leaving his poor buttocks alone.

"I faked sick, I guess." Seunghyun announced and they came to a realisation; although, it took some time. Maybe the sex had meddled with their minds.

"I can fake sick!" Jiyong exclaimed as if he had discovered the answer to life. Tempted to jump up, he had to keep himself from moving muscle.

He slid into his act quite quickly. Even though he had been told to act many times, he had refused it but knew that he was good at it. Or at least hoped so. There were many things he needed to do in order to pull it off. First, he had to hide under the covers to cloak his beaming complexion that was left from the night before and second, he needed to shield his healthy throat with a fake cough.

"Okay, now give me the phone." Jiyong ordered and Seunghyun obeyed.

He dialled a number he knew off by heart and had used in various situations.

After a few rings, someone finally picked up.

"Hello?" A woman who seemed sharp and on point but also kind was on the other end.

"Hello, manager noona", Jiyong put on a fake cough, "I don't think Seunghyun hyung or I could come to work today. We've caught a terrible cold. He couldn't even pick up the phone to call his manager."

He crossed his fingers.

"Oh, I do hope you get better. Is there anything I could do for you?" She questioned thoughtfully.

"No, there is nothing; thank you."
"I'll inform Choi Seunghyun's manager for him. Get well soon, Jiyong." She hung up before he could even reply. He didn't have anything to complain about though.

Seunghyun caressed Jiyong's cheekbone out of nowhere. Jiyong felt very loved and cared for at that moment. He wanted to never let go; to rest in bed in the middle of a room filled with armchairs; to be loved by his accidental yet wonderful husband.

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