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The blonde was sitting by the full body mirror, burning her hair into a straight line. Her little black dress was way above her knees and the fake gold jewelery hung loosely at her neck and wrist. The redhead swung her short legs from the king sized bed. She was wearing a turquoise dress that was nylon, made to look like silk. Her stilettos were hurting her feet already. Her hair was up in a loose bun and she was caked with make up. Her nose was also upturned, pointing towards the ceiling.

"Celia, why are we going to this club again?" The redhead asked. Her voice was childish and squeaky.

"Because we don't have anything else to do and need to take our minds off the fact that Big Bang has a concert tonight." Celia replied.

"Has anyone replied to your email?"

"Jessica, how many times do I have to tell you? Harry and Gail are meeting us there." Celia sounded annoyed. She was sick of Jessica's endless questions.

"Sorry, I have a bad memory." Jessica apologised.

It took Celia a while to finish her hair. In that time, Jessica tried out her shoes, put on more cheap make up and nagged more. A night at a club was what she always looked forward to but her roommate and bestfriend took so long to get ready. Celia was the one who acted mature. She was a year older than the other girl. They both went to college therefore they didn't have much money. And the money they had, was spent on food and other necessary things. However, a little bit of cash was earned from the tips they had gotten as waitresses. They wanted to celebrate that and the fact that the summer was marking another holiday in which they would go to their family homes in Texas and Phoenix.

"Should we go?" Celia asked as she got up. Jessica jumped off the bed and a smile spread across her face.

The two swaggered out of the small doorway and towards the heart of Las Vegas.


A short prologue written by TheOfficialVIP. A new chapter will come soon. Don't run away because GTOP hasn't appeared yet. Stay tuned.

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