The Efficiency Expert

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I took my wife to a fancy restaurant Manhattan called The Lemon Tree.

As the waiter was taking our order i noticed he had a spoon in his shirt pocket. This seemed a little strange but i ignored it.

However when the busboy brought our water and utensils, i couldn't help noticing that he also had a spoon in his pocket.

And then as i gazed around the restaurant i could see that all the staff had spoons in their shirt pockets.

So when the waiter came back to serve the soup naturally i enquired, "why is every member of staff here carrying a spoon?"

"well" said the waiter, "the restaurant's owner hired consultants from McKinsey to improve our processes. After several weeks of analysis, they concluded that the spoon was the most frequently dropped utensil. They calculated that there was a drop frequency of approximately three spoons per table per hour".

"Are you serious" i felt compelled to ask.
"yes sir" said the waiter. "they concluded that if our people are better prepared, we can reduce the number of trips back to the kitchen and save 15man-hours per shift".

As luck would have it at this point i manage to drop my spoon and he replaced it with the spare from his pocket immediately.

He then explained, "I'll simply get another spoon when i next go to the kitchen, rather than making a special trip there right now".

Such efficiency was impressive.

I then noticed that there was a string hanging out of the waiter's fly.

Looking around i could see that all of the other waiters had the same string hanging from their flies too.

Puzzled by this i asked the waiter, "why do you all have string hanging from the fly in your trousers?"

"oh", he said lowering his voice, "the McKinsey consultant concluded that this will help us save time when we have to visit the restroom during a shift".

"How so?" i enquired.

"well", he said, "by tying this string to the tip of our ' you- know- what', we can pull it out without touching it and eliminate the need to wash our hands. This shortens the time spent in the restroom by 39% they think".

"Wow!" i said. "But how do you put it back in your trousers once you've finished?"

"Well", he whispered, "I don't know about the others, but i use the spoon".

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