I Want Pizza

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Erin Reagan sighed as she ate a slice of greasy pizza. She had never really had cramps while on her period, but her appetite definitely expanded each time. She smiled as Anthony came in, "have some pizza."
"Pizza? What about your 'go-green' streak?" He sat down with files in his hand.
"I'll get back on it..."
Anthony raised his eyebrows.
"What? Can't I just up and eat pizza?"
"Not you. You're usually healthy."
"You want a slice or not?"
"Of course. Any specific reason you're eating greasy pizza?"
Erin stared at him, "why are you so nosy? I wanted pizza, so I thought, 'I'm gonna order a pizza'. End of story."
"Okay, sheesh! All I asked was a simple question."
"And I gave you a simple answer. I. Wanted. Pizza."
Anthony decided to shut up about it, which was very wise. He ate the pizza in silence for a while, until Erin spoke up.
"So, what's in the files?"
"The things you wanted about the doctor."
"Oh, great! Do we have enough to nail him?"
"Erin!" Danny came barging in, wanting a warrant once again.
"Rules." The brunette stared plainly.
"Rules? We moved past that schtick in seventh grade!"
"It was after you graduated high school. And that was only because you went into the Marines. It's still polite to knock. What if I was in a meeting or something?"
"That can wait. We need a warrant on this guy," Danny handed her a sheet of paper.
"On what grounds? Pissing you off?" Anthony looked up to his nemesis.
"Hey, I'm talking to Erin. So eat your pizza and shut up.... We need to search his place."
"Yeah, Danny, I know. You always need to search someone's car or house or computer. But it's always on shaky grounds. I can't write up a warrant for someone looking shifty."
"So the answer's no?"
"Yeah, a big fat one." Erin responded, quite annoyed.
Danny pauses before he answered, noticing the pizza. "Oh, I get it. You're menstruating and generally pissed at everything, right?"
"You really are antiquated, aren't you?"
"Anti- what?"
"Antiquated. Old fashioned, outdated, expired. Just because I'm pissed and eating pizza does not mean I'm bleeding from the inside out."
"How else are you supposed to bleed? Outside in?"
"Get out. Come back with a better reason than 'he pissed me off'." As her brother walked away, she called out, "and get a new attitude while you're at it!"
Anthony looked to his friend, a questioning look on his face.
Erin simply shrugged, "he's an asshole."
"I think so."

Sorry it's a little short...

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