Four-Legged Thief

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The next morning Ricky woke up feeling more refreshed. He had slept nightmare-free. The sleep had done him some good physically, he still had some work cut out for him mentally. Sitting up, Ricky threw of the covers and got out of bed. He trudged his way towards the window. It was cloudy out but not, at least, raining, Ricky saw.

As he stared out the window he pondered how funny life was. How could things still look so normal even after he'd witnessed something so... well not normal?

It was in that moment Ricky realized that there had been a subtle shifting in his perception of the world. It seemed a bit bigger now; the world. And much more mysterious. Ricky did not know if that was a good thing or bad. Only time would tell.

Shaking his head he walked out of his bedroom. He remembered his uncle telling him he would not be here today. It was up to him to entertain himself today. What would he do?

First thing he did was go downstairs for breakfast. He walked through the semi-darkened living room. With the clouds outside, very little sunlight could get through so it looked more like late afternoon rather than early morning. Ricky could see fine though and did not turn on any lights as he made his way to the kitchen.

Ricky walked directly to the refrigerator and drew out the pizza box from dinner the night before. Leftover pizza for breakfast was one of his favorites. His mother seldom let him have it but his Uncle Steve hadn't seemed surprised when he had asked for it last night. Ricky put two pieces on a paper plate and popped it into the microwave.

A few seconds later he was sitting at the table, gobbling down the warm slices while staring out the window contemplating his options for the day. There, of course, was always television. Considering how cloudy it was outside it was highly likely it was going to rain so that might be the way to go, Ricky thought. Picking up the second slice Ricky took a bite, chewing thoughtfully. Reading or sketching? All good options, Ricky reflected as he finished off the last bite. Cleaning his mess took less than a minute. Leftover pizza for breakfast was great for more than one reason!

Ricky headed back upstairs to shower and dress. As he grabbed a pair of blue shorts and lighter blue t-shirt with a melting rubic's cube picture printed to the front, he recalled the surprising conversation he had had with his uncle the night before. Evidently, Uncle Steve had been pleased with how things had been going and Rosy's reports. So much so, that he told Ricky that she no longer needed to come and check on him. This news was a double edged sword for Ricky. He was thrilled that his uncle trusted him again, but there were things his uncle didn't know. Ricky felt it was highly likely that his uncle would feel differently about him if he knew about the wolf and all that had transpired the last two weeks.

Ricky grabbed a pill from the prescription bottle and his sketch book and headed back downstairs. Back in the kitchen he quickly swallowed the medicine down with some water before checking the time. It was early. He had the whole day ahead of him. Ricky decided to go outside by the pool for a while. He may not have the chance later if it rained.

Walking outside, sketchbook in hand, Ricky made his way over to the pool. As always the pool looked nice and inviting. He hated that he could not swim until his uncle came home but he understood why.

With a last longing look at the cool water, Ricky walked over to one of the white loungers with hunter green and brown cushions. Straddling the chair Ricky sat down, raised his legs up onto the extended part of the chair and lay back into the cushions. He loved it here, he thought as he settled into the pillow more comfortably. The weather was perfect, the air was so clean, and there was very little noise. It was peaceful. That was something a kid like him with all of his foibles, could appreciate.

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