Silver Lining

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The following morning Feral rose and fed. He chose a large buck whose antlers spanned out wide and broad. He was an older deer, past his prime. Feral still believed in what he had told his mother all those years ago. He needed to respect his food source and not diminish the numbers. He also remembered her response and he had to acknowledge that there had been times over the years where he had-had to feed on what was there, what was available even if it did not feel honorable. Survival, she had said was the point and she had been right!

After feeding, Feral flew to the closest stream to wash away any trace of blood from his fur. The boy was leery of Feral despite his obvious desire to spend time with him. Feral knew appearing with dried blood matted in his fur would not help the situation. Being honest with himself, he admitted he did not want the boy to be fearful of him. This feeling surprised Feral, never having been one to care about anybody but his mother, but there it was.

Stepping a bit further into the stream to douse his head under the cold water, Feral felt a sudden sharp burning pain in his back left paw! He cut off a startled howl of anguish and he floundered in the deeper depths before recovering enough to release his wings to lift himself up out of the water and onto the bank.

Landing was not pleasant no matter how gently he set himself down! He lowered the throbbing paw to the ground but he was unable to put any weight on it at all. He plonked down on the ground panting heavily through the pain. The fact that there was no ebbing to the ceaseless fire burning in his foot made, Feral suspect that he had stepped on something silver!

Feral lifted his hind leg and lent down toward his foot to get a better look. He could see blood and he very much felt the pain but he could not see what he had stepped on. What silver object would be lying so lethally in the creek bed? The pain it was causing was excruciating and it continued to burn.

Feral licked at his wounded appendage but he knew there would be no relief until he removed the offending object. He struggled to find foreign body poisoning his body but to no avail. He could not get it out himself. For the second time in as many weeks he needed help!

Struggling to his feet, his back paw hanging limply behind him, Feral breathed jerkily through the fiery pain. The jostling of his leg multiplied the throbbing exponentially. Feeling the throbbing as well as a new urgency to seek assistance, he gritted his teeth and released his wings. He needed the human! The boy would help him. Of that Feral had no doubt. With that Feral spread out his wings and took flight, careful as he maneuvered not to brush his injured paw against passing limbs.

It took some time but he eventually made it to the house. Upon reaching the edge of the woods, he landed letting his wings retract back. He was relieved to have made it, but found himself faced with a new dilemma. The sun was out and it was shining brightly. And Feral noted that there was a lot of sun between him and the garage where he needed to get to! He would have to move fast and chance flying instead of walking. Flying was risky since the boy's uncle was still at home and could see him but Feral had no choice. He was barely able to walk as it was and if he tried walking now through the sunlight, Feral did not know how he would fair. The morning sun, the harshest of sun light for the Superior Ones was also as harsh for Feral. He had no choice. A sweeping surge of fire roared through Feral's paw and up his leg. He needed to move now!

He shakily stumbled out into the sunlight feeling its scorching rays immediately wash over him. With determination he called forth his wings and sprang into the clearing that was the human's yard. He had never felt so vulnerable since being changed as he did soring without the shield of trees or the darkness of night to protect him. He always stayed hidden! Doing this was against everything he had ever taught himself but he had no other option. He needed to get to the garage without being seen. Maybe just once luck would be on his side.

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