Death and Beginnings

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The Bloodfang emerged during a time where people were still struggling to form communities. During a time where the search for a place of peace and tranquility free from persecution remained merely a dream. During a time of harsh winters and fruitful summers. During a time strangers new to a vast land were learning to co-exist with the natives in the place they now called their home. During a time of a deep and dark struggle for survival of creatures that would forever remain unbeknownst to them.

This period in time and this village of people searching for a new life is not where one would learn the secrets of the Bloodfang. It is under the noses of the oblivious villager's that one would discover his beginnings. If one looked deep enough into the dark shadows of the wooded area surrounding the village, one would see the rippling undercurrents of a hidden war. A terrible war for survival.

Entrenched in the belly of the forest were many different wolf communities. There were numerous wolves all associated with many different packs. From allies to rivals they had co-existed for years, each honoring what they referred to as, "The Rules of the Paw." Simply put, as long as each pack honored the hunting grounds of other packs there would always remain peace. But unfortunately, lately, there had been no peace for the wolves, because it appeared as if all of the packs had forsaken the sacred "The Rules of the Paw," and were now hunting with no respect. Wolf began going against wolf, trespassers began trespassing on forbidden hunting grounds, and all wolves embarked on a path of anarchy never seeking an answer to the questions of why there had been this sudden change or why they were now heading down this path of destruction. Had the questions been posed they may have discovered sooner that they were no longer alone in their canine only community. Something else was in the forest with them...

It was this something else that was, in fact, hunting on the pack's grounds. Only the packs remained ignorant of this creature and instead continued to blame each other, resulting in meaningless fighting. While their war raged on amongst each other, the deer, which was their quarry, continued to diminish in numbers. As the deer was tantamount to their survival, the dwindling numbers wreaked a desperate havoc amongst the beasts. Once plenty of deer frolicked freely all over their hunting grounds, but now the deer population dwindled more and more as time passed. As the deer population diminished in numbers so too did the wolf population. Desperation funnily enough, finally led to communication amongst the remaining wolves.

Once talks finally began the wolves then realized fairly quickly and alarmingly that none of them were responsible for the merciless hunting taking place, decimating their prey and in turn decimating them. But if not them, then who? Who was this mysterious predator whom was crossing their lines and ruining their lives?

At first they thought it was the humans whom had recently come into their world. Those annoying, fur-less creatures that walked on two-legs that the wolves watched from afar but went to great lengths to never cross paths with. The wolves had noticed early on how the two legs hunted and killed with their knives and spears or worse yet the booming tools that hurt their ears terribly with their loud bellow.

With the developing thoughts that it may be the humans killing their food, came the natural lust for retaliation. Many wolves wanted to kill the humans as well as their livestock in revenge. Many wolves wanted the humans to suffer as they had been suffering from losing their much needed source of sustenance. But many more wolves knew that if they took this path it would also result in more loss for them and since so many had been lost already they feared the direction this path would take them. More loss was something none of them wanted to contemplate.

As the wolves continued to meet and talk and query and ponder they started upon a realization that shed a new light on the killings. New ideas formed amongst themselves, possibilities were suggested, theories, too, took root that shook them all, leaving a chilling knot of ice to form in their bellies.

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