'Got nothing to lose anyways...here I go' Namjoon thought before finally asking Jin.

"Will you go out with me?". Jin was about to leave when he got taken a back by the youngers question.

He never expected someone like Namjoon would want to go on a date with HIM!

And he definitely didn't expect the younger to be this straightforward.

"I'm sorry what?". Jin mentally face palmed....why the hell would he ask if he had clearly heard the question.

"Uhh....it's nothing don't worry about it". Namjoon couldn't believe he had just asked Jin.

The shocked expression that took place on the olders face when Namjoon had asked.

He definitely didn't expect that reaction from the older....he dug his hand into his pocket and took out some money.

He was too embarrassed to keep sitting there. He pushed the chair back getting up.

He was ready to walk away when suddenly a hand grabbed him by the wrist.

"Yes". Jin said on impulse. He didn't know why he stopped the older but it's just...the sad look on his face reminded Jin of something.


"Yes?" Namjoon couldn't believe his ears...he gave Jin a confused look. Jin chuckled at his expression.

"I'll go out with you". Jin smiled. Namjoon was a nice guy and Jin couldn't deny the fact that he kinda liked the younger.

Namjoons smile reached the sky. He was so happy. He couldn't believe Jin had actually said yes to him.

"I'll pick you up on Friday at 8 then". Namjoon said excitement filling his voice.

He sat back down the smile never leaving his face for the rest of the time he spent in the coffee shop.

'Maybe this won't be so bad after all' Jin thought chuckling at how childish the younger looked right now.

He looked like a little kid who just got his first puppy.

Jin sat down in his spot behind the cash register and kept staring at Namjoon.

There was something about the younger that just made him feel....safe? He couldn't put his finger on it.


"Dad no...you can't do this please". Jungkook sobbed chocking on his own tears.

He couldn't believe his dad would sell him...after all he has done for him.

"DAD DONT DO THIS". He yelled trying to struggle out of the two mens grip.

His dad paid no attention to him...he only turned around and walked away feeling relieved that he wasn't in debt to those people anymore.

"LET GO OF ME". Jungkook tried to struggle out of their grip but they were too strong.

He couldn't believe that after all he's done for his dad he would just sell him to these people.

Just when they were about to throw Jungkook inside of the truck some scary guys surrounded them.

"Well well...what do we have here". A guy suddenly walked between the men and stood in front of Jungkook.

Jungkook looked up his eyes meeting the strangers...something about the strangers eyes made you get lost in them.

"None of your business...so back off". On of the guys holding Jungkook spat out pushing the man out of the way.

"Now now...you don't want to do that". The stranger simply said staring at Jungkook.

Even though Jungkooks head was lowered he could feel the mans gaze piercing through him.

"And why not?". The same man that pushed him spat glaring at him.

"Because..." that was all stranger said before he shifted his eyes to their fiery red.

The two guys that were holding Jungkook felt their hearts drop to their stomachs.

They let go of Jungkook letting him fall on the hard ground and ran to their truck.

"You okay?". The stranger better known as Taehyung asked making his way to check on the younger who only pushed him away.

"Don't you even dare come close to me". Jungkook looked at Taehyung his eyes filled with hate and disgust.


Oops first part came early 🙈!!

Hope you guys enjoy the story as much as I'm gonna enjoy writing it!

Ly 💕!

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