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Class was dead. There was no energy seeing as the little bit of life left in any of us was drained by the project. I looked over at Harry who had his usual book traded out for his phone, and was occupied doing whatever he was doing on it. It's been four complete days since I was over his house, and also four complete days that we haven't spoken to one another. Not one single word. I found myself silently wishing for him to look up and acknowledge me or at least do something.

When you do something like that with a person someone's bound to get attached—even if only sexually. You can't just do things like that and then not talk. Now, I wouldn't say I'm attached to Harry in any way, but I was curious about him. I wanted more of him which made absolutely no sense since we just met a couple weeks ago. We definitely weren't love interests... I don't even know if we identified as friends but I know now he's not speaking to me and leaving me wondering what I did.

The bell pulled me out of my thinking session. It seemed to have no affect on Harry seeing as he stayed seated while the rest of the students rushed out of the classroom—Bailey included. Our teacher remained seated at her desk not questioning his actions. I took this as my chance to spark up a conversation. There wasn't anything for us to talk about really, since our project was pretty much finished.

"Hey." I walked over in front of his desk. His eyes were situated on his phone.

"Hey." He didn't look up.

(Harry's POV)

Lena looked good today. She didn't have to say it but I could tell she needed attention. My attention. I wasn't really trying to ignore her. But there wasn't anything for us to talk about; our project was nearly done. What do you say to someone who isn't even your friend?

"Hey, I made you cum yesterday and even though we aren't friends let's do it again."

Oh yeah, that'll definitely work. Not saying I want to do anything with her again. Or maybe I do, I don't fucking know. But what I do know is now she's standing in front of my desk waiting for me to look up and give her attention, and I'm being an asshole and looking at my phone instead. With a sigh aimed at myself, I locked my phone and looked up at her. It was then I noticed she had on a hoodie pulled up around her neck.

I did that to her.

She sighed and shoved her phone in her back pocket. "Did I do something?"

"No." I began packing up my things. She didn't do anything, but I didn't feel like talking.

Rather than trying to continue the conversation she rolled her eyes and walked out of the classroom. I wasn't too far after her, but I kept my distance. I can't get too close to her, I know that. And not in just the physical sense, mentally as well. So it's better to just stop now, right?

It was one time, it's not even worth stressing over. She's not into you, you're not into her. Simple. Keep it casual, Harry.

I was too caught up in my thought to notice Lena had stopped walking and I was well away from where I was supposed to be. When I looked up she held a confused look on her face.

Was I following her?

"What's your deal?" She questioned.

"I-What do you mean?" Now I'm confused.

"You're following me Harry. Why? You clearly didn't want to talk earlier." She sighed.

She's right, just turn around and leave.

"I j-just kinda zoned out I-I guess." I shrugged and turned around to leave.

"That's not an explanation!" She called after me. I heard footsteps picking up as now she was the one following me.

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