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(Harry's Point of View)

It was now Monday, and I was on the way to the office to get my new schedule. I had been taking online courses, but now I needed the credit from the classes I was originally placed in. What I didn't know was, apparently that meant now I have 1st period with Lena as well.

I wore contacts today, because they were prescribed more recently than my glasses and I had to go get new ones now that those were becoming blurry. Last night I could barely see. Taking a seat in the back, some girl got up and sat next to me.

"What's your name?" She asked, biting her lip.

I remained silent, mainly because I didn't want to embarrass myself.

"Hm." She smirked, running a hand down my arm. "Well I'm Jen. We should get to know each other."

Again, I remained silent, but this time I looked at her quickly then back down.

"Aw you can look at me baby." She cooed. "Now what's your name?"

"I-i-it's Harry." I spoke, immediately rolling my eyes at myself after.

"Ew you're that one kid. Rach, he's the one with the stutter." She turned, calling out to her friend.

"He's hot you can still fuck him, just don't talk to him." Her friend "Rach" (which I'm assuming was short for Rachel) laughed.

She shrugged, writing her number down on paper and handing it do me. I snorted, before crumbling it and throwing it in the trash can that was so conveniently located near me. She scoffed, before mumbling something along the lines of "nerdy asshole" and walked off, intentionally switching her hips. 

She's nothing like Lena.

Lena walked in then, talking to some kid who's name I didn't know and walking towards the back. She paused when she saw me and I could tell she wasn't happy.

"Isn't he the one your history project is with? The one with the stutter?" The guy she was walking with asked, taking the left seat over one row in front of me. Lana sat behind him, putting her next to me and nodded.

"Sucks." The kid commented. "That's a jerk move, buddy."

Bouncing my leg and trying to focus on my breathing, I snapped. "Would you just turn around already?"

He looked at me with shock, but turned nonetheless and left a shocked Lena looking in my direction. She didn't say anything though.

Lena: you don't have this period what are you doing

Me: Obviously I have it now, right?

She looked at her phone and scoffed.

Me: Sorry I am just agitated.
Me: I am also sorry about yesterday
Me: I truly did not mean to be that late you can ask my mom and everything it is her fault

Lena: it's whatever that's the past now. can you just see if your mom would let me work over yours? it'd be a lot easier. i tried asking last night, my mom said no.

Me: I can try but I can not promise anything. I am not sure that is such a good idea either.

Me: Mom, the girl I am working on my project with is wondering if she could come and work on it at our house.

Mom: What's wrong with the bookstore?

Me: I am not sure, she just wanted me to ask and said it would be easier. It might be because of last night.

Mom: I suppose that's fine. She may come after school.

Me: Thank you.

Me: She said you can come after school.

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