One-Sided Love

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There are feelings in this world, but some of those feelings are bad; most of the time, they could be good. We don't know what these feelings could be, but they could help us; they're our emotions towards people, things, and other things. I don't know what they are, to be exact, but I know that these certain feelings can be the best thing in the entire world. My name is Nate Rivera. Nothing special about I'm your average teenager. I'm fourteen, and I go to Summit High Middle School. My friends are literal idiots, but they are great, but there's one extraordinary person. Her name is Isabella Medina. Isabella has been with me since the beginning, we've been best friends since elementary school, and we are still holding strong. My life is basic; well, there really isn't much to talk about. So that's all you need to know about me.

As I walked down a hall in my school, I couldn't help but notice Isabella hanging out with another guy; his name is Alex Mendez. Alex is also in our grade; he's one of those "cool kids" never in a million years would I think that Isabella would talk to people like that, but it is a new year. I approach her as I casually but into their conversation,

"Hey Isabella"

I say with a smile. Isabella and Alex both look at each other for a quick second.

"oh hey," she responds,

"how's it is going?"

at this point, I didn't know what to say, I just wanted Alex gone, but I didn't know what to do

"It's going great; how's your first week back since topsail?"

Isabella asks. Alex looked confused, and I thought that was good for me. Before I answered, he told isabella.

"it was nice meeting you," and walked away.

Me being me, I thought this was good, but she looked a bit sad, it would sometimes be hard to cheer her up, but I tried to.

"What's the wrong, Isa?"

She looked at me with a pouty face.

"WHAT'S WRONG?" she yelled.

I got scared and backed one step.

"Did... I do something?" I said with a nervous face

"Yes, Nate, why did you butt in like that?"

Isabella looked really mad, and I had no idea what to do; I apologized and went to a table and sat down; after two minutes of sitting down alone, three of my friends sat down with me. It was my friends Angel, Levi, and Dan.

"what's wrong, Nate?" Levi says as he sits down

"Nothing," I say

"oh yeah, sure, it's nothing," Angel says with a face

"what? It is!" I shout

"Okay, okay, calm down. You look down; why?" Dan asks while he sits next to me

" I just pissed off Isabella for getting in her way while she was talking to Alex," I say while looking down.

They all looked at each other and were confused

"what, Alex?" Angel asks

"Mendez," I say

"WHAT? Why would she be talking to him? He's an idiot," Levi says while trying not to laugh.

Dan chuckles, "okay, but seriously though, that guy is just trash."

All of us laugh

"Okay, guys, calm down before someone hears us, please," I say while putting my hands over my face.

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