Chapter 104: Chances And Traumas

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Hama stood at the doorway of the little room with her familiar smirk

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Hama stood at the doorway of the little room with her familiar smirk. It made her look like she was always trying to make up for something with a bright smile.

We inched forwards and Sokka handed her the unlocked box.

We waited in anticipation while she gradually opened the box, put her hand in and pulled out—

"An old comb?" Sokka asked.

It was blue and white with a familiar swirl on it. I almost caught on to why it was familiar before she told us.

"It's my greatest treasure. It's the last thing I own from growing up in The Southern Water Tribe."

All of our eyes went wide.

But how is that possible? I've definitely never seen her before. So she left when she was younger, probably before I was born. But then how did she get here? And why? Too many mysteries.

"You're from The Southern Water Tribe?" Katara awed.

"Just like you," Hama smiled again.

"How did you know?" Katara asked.

"I heard you talking around your campfire."

At least now it makes more sense why she would take in mysterious kids from the forest.

She's still weird though.

"I wanted to surprise you! I bought all this food today so I could fix you a big Water Tribe dinner. Of course, I can't get all the ingredients I need here, but ocean kumquats are a lot like sea prunes if you stew them long enough."

I thought I'd finally be done with sea prunes in my life. I guess not.

Aang stuck his tongue out and recoiled.

"I knew I felt a bond with you right away!" Katara exclaimed.

Sokka crossed his arms, "And I knew you were keeping a secret, so I guess we're both right."

Katara elbowed him.

"...But I'm sorry we were sneaking around."

"Apology accepted!" She smiled again.

"Now let's get cooking!"


Turns out ocean kumquats pretending to be sea prunes are worse than the actual sea prunes themselves.

Sokka, Katara and I sat on the west side of the table, and Aang and Toph on the other side.

Hama stood at the head of the table, carrying a bowl of soup.

Thank the spirits there was more to eat than ocean kumquats.

"Who wants five flavor soup?" Hama raised her hand over the bowl and extended her fingers towards us. Five blobs of soup floated into our bowls.

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