Chapter 85: City Of Walls And Secrets

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The drill sagged into the ground, completely abandoned. Some tanks had driven away, some had been taken prisoner, but Ty Lee, Mai and Azula were nowhere to be found. I'm counting on the fact that they left instead of staying around Ba Sing Se.

The sun was setting in front of us, casting the orange glow on the outer wall. We decided to go back to the Med Bay and spend the night there since none of us were up for a late night rail cart ride into the city.

We were also pretty exhausted from walking to Ba Sing Se and taking down the drill. It's been a really long day, tomorrow should be a bit more peaceful.

"I just want to say, good job out there today, Team Avatar!" Sokka said.

"Enough with the Team Avatar stuff. No matter how many times you say it, it's not going to catch on," Katara groaned.

We are Team Avatar now.


My eyes opened to the bright white pillow of the Med Bay. It shined brightly in my eyes from the sunlight touching it. Not only was it bright but it was also pretty cold. The windows were less windows and more like gaping holes in the stone building. But there were birds chirping outside and that combined with everything else was a nice way to wake up. Peaceful even.

I sat up from the temporary cot that was provided to all of us. Katara and Sokka were in the corner of the Med Bay, talking or fighting I couldn't really tell. Aang and Toph were still sleeping so I picked up Momo and walked over to Sokka and Katara.


Once everyone was awake, the guards gave us sandwiches and then escorted us to the railway.

Most of the buildings we would come across in Ba Sing Se would be mostly green so I wasn't surprised when green and grey were the only colors I could identify in the place. Than, Ying and Hope would've taken the rail cart before us so we wouldn't get to see them again. Unless we ran into them in our time at Ba Sing Se.

We didn't have to show our lack of passports or pay for any tickets. The guards just let us on and told us it would be an hour ride.

There are some perks to traveling with the Avatar and trying to save the world.

The cart began moving through the dark walls of the tunnel and I ended up falling asleep between Katara and Aang.


"Bella! Bella!"

The cart was now full of light instead of the underground dark tunnel. I turned to Katara who was the one to wake me.

"Look! The inner wall," She said and pointed a head of us.

I looked out the window and saw the inner wall approaching. I was glad to have slept most of the ride, but still, all I really want is a nice peaceful day inside a Ba Sing Se house doing absolutely nothing. None of us has had that kind of peace in ages.

I was also excited about sharing a house with my four best friends. That's every kid's dream right?

"I can't believe we finally made it to Ba Sing Se in one piece!" Katara said, patting me on the back.

"Hey don't jinx it!" Sokka yelled way too loudly, making everyone else in the cart stare at us.

Katara and Sokka proceeded to fight while Aang was staring out the window, watching the wall come closer. He looked a little melancholy but I knew what he was thinking about.

"We'll find him Aang," I told him.

He shook his head, "It's such a big city."

The inner wall came closer and closer, we were just about to pass through it.

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