4. Forgiven Love

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I walked to the balcony on the left, with iron railings. Wooden chairs been scattered here and there. The wide open area was covered with green grass spreading its aroma of fresh soil. I saw an old woman sitting, reading a book facing the garden, she looked up for the sounds of my footsteps.

She goggled at me for few seconds, her lips curled with an unknown impression. Her beautiful green eyes filled with astonishment. Those loving eyes are staring at me. It filled with happy tears, streaming down her cheeks slowly, her book flipped from her hand. she grasped the handle of her chair to stand up but failed. She was so shaky to get up from her chair and slipped back. I ran quickly and helped her to stand still. I felt that she had grown old for the first time. But her eyes are, young and gleaming. She was crying and smiling too. no words coming out of her mouth,

"Rose...Rose...I knew you will come" she gasped.
"Mother...." that is the only word I managed to utter.
"Mother" tears streaming down, I hugged her longingly, her touch, how much I missed her.
She stroked my hair hugging me and stroked my back slowly.

Minutes passed, I'm still hugging her releasing all my worries away. years of departed pressure slowly melting in me and new bonds blooming inside me. I cannot tell how much I missed her after my marriage and so little I met and talked to her. It's been an unsolved mystery for me why my mother and father disagreed for marrying Reza, because they are not the people oppose me for my decisions. They know me very well that I won't take miserable decisions in my life.

But that's all past, gone by now, let's face the present, my mother with me I will care her until I'm alive, it's been a great thing ever happened to me after Reza's Sudden death.

My mother released herself from my grasp and shook me and kissed my forehead, I sensed, her years of heavy burden growing lighter.

"How are you love?" She cupped my face.
"It was so hard without you mama...I'm so sorry for what I did" I said meekly.
She shook her head.
"Don't be darling, we should say sorry for you " she said.
"Let's go mama?"I said . She nodded happily.

After an affectionate goodbye from mother's elderly home, I finished the official formalities there and drove back to my home with mama.


"Seriously Amber you can't live without Jason? " Jasper teased Amber biting a mouth full of sandwich made by her eldest sister.

"Hmmm you've been eavesdropping all these time, aren't you?" Amber pouted cosily settled on the sofa.
"There's no need for that. your romantic movie is banging all over the house. I'm just asking are you guys still going out together or you dumped him?" Questioned Jasper.
"C'mon Jasper. I dated few guys. but Jason is special out of all. he suits well for my romantic character you know. he can be my troublesome hero, perfectly matching for the novel, I'm gonna write" Amber expressed dramatically.
"So your dating has a purpose ha ha...clever you. I never knew you're a motivated woman. All I see is, you date and break-up. don't you need a steady man for the rest of you're life? You say Jason is useful for your novel?" Jasper digged more.
"Hey stop badgering. it's nothing like you all think, I love Jason. he is hard working and matching me so far out of all the other guys I dated. and the rest is, none of your business. to be continued- dear sister. I'll update you steamy stories later" Amber winked at Jasper and got up to leave.
"Oh!you're typicall naughty girl"
"Yes I am...I'm all different than you...I feel too much...I swim too deep in everybody's heart... I take you're breath away..." Amber sang as she walk sexily.
Jasper giggled knowing her sister's typical ways, Amber is a dreamer though she is a tough personality beneath, never gave up so easily.
"Hmmm. Where did mama went early in the morning? Shop to be open, didn't ask me to go alone as well. why in such a hurry? seems like no one knows where she went" Jasper was checking the time.
"Nobody knows Jas. it's strange. I saw her face brighten after the call and she just left. didn't say a thing" said Amber admiring her reflection in the mirror.

"That's new. phone call, brightened face, drive, not saying anything, hmmm any idea romantic queen?" Asked Jasper.
"Going to meet her secret boyfriend or what?haha..." Amber said sheepishly.
"Ah! don't you have any other clues than romance? "
"I was just kidding. I know mama never replaces our dad's place to another man nor his place in her heart. She loves him. I want someone like my dad. Jason is somewhat reminds me of our dad. maybe that's the reason he is special to me " Amber said thoughtfully.
"You'll find true love just like in fairy tales. I'll call mama" Jasper called and there's no answer.

Both looked bit tensed as this is a new incident,Rose's sudden departure. The girls bit worried. They never had secrets between mother and daughters.
They all best friends to one another. Rose has raised them as such due to her bad experiences with her own sisters.
Therefore Rose's family is a fun field.

Jasper called Rose several times and there was no answer. She looked worried.
"No answer Amber. what shall we do?"
Before Amber can reply she got a call from Rose. Her number flickered in the smart screen.
With a sigh of relief Jasper answered the call, "mama! where are you? You ok?"
"Yes darling, I'm driving. I'll be home soon" hung up Rose.
The girls worried face turned into a happy face.

Half hour later a car stopped in front of the house. The girls peeped out the window for the sound of roaring tires.
They saw Rose getting down to open the door, they saw an old woman stepping out the car.

The girls exchanged glances. They waited to receive the guest mother accompanied.

Rose smiled at the daughters whose standing curiously by the door. She slowly walked inside the home with her mother Laura.
"Girls!sorry I couldn't explain the whole thing. but I have a surprise for you" Rose said in an awe. The girls eyes widened almost with confused recognition. Laura was smiling at them radiantly.



Await for more twist with their new found GRANDMOTHER.
The family awaits for more excitement with their added member.
More love,more affection. much more.

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