Happily Ever After

Start from the beginning

"If they did, I bet your Dad would pen it all down for memory's sake." Ma whispers, leaning towards Maheroo, as if they're sharing a top notch secret. The little girl's eyes grow wide, even though she can never imagine her Dad in the shoes of a romantic protagonist.

"Dad would not last a day in jail," she announces confidently. "Unlike the swoon-worthy hero in here." Maheroo views the novel with great reverence. 

"Oh, you underestimate your father, Maheroo." Ma says, just as the sound of familiar footsteps joins their little party. Hastily, Maheroo hands Ma the novel, who buries it behind a pillow. While giving this spiral-bound paperback, Ma had made the little girl promise that she will not let her parent's see the said object. In all her excitement at the time, Maheroo forgot to ask her favourite question, that being, "Why?"

"Am I interrupting?" A familiar face appears in the doorway. 

"Of course not, Manik." Ma says, waving him in. "Come, join us. I was just telling Maheroo how she has to send me pictures from Singapore when you all arrive there." 

"So should I brace myself for painful photoshoots then?" Manik asks, wiggling his eyebrows at his daughter. She nods enthusiastically.

"Expect nothing less of me, Dad." She replies, giggling. As always, Manik doesn't fail to amuse his daughter, as he dramatically tosses his head back, rolling his eyes. 

"I'm here," Nandini announces, speed-walking into Ma's room as well. "Manik, I swear if next time you fail to make a checklist while we are traveling, I will refuse to come with." Giggling, Maheroo places her lips beside Ma's ear.

"There's no way in the world that my parent's had a whirlwind romance." She whispers, giggling. 

"Ma, it's time for our goodbyes now." Manik says, planting a soft kiss on her forehead. "Angel is going to kill me if we miss our flight." This statement warrants him a playful slap from the said woman. Maheroo shakes her head, unsurprised by her parent's playful nature by now. They're always jovially teasing each other about something or the other. 

When Maheroo sees her parents, she sees two best friends, and a couple who is still in the honeymoon days of their relationship. Not once has she heard them bickering in a serious manner, or play the game as a solo player. In fact, she has always viewed them as a united team; bullet proof to all the evils that dare to harm them. So in her mind, Maheroo has painted a picture of two high school sweethearts, who made it through the years, together, and eventually wound up in the bond of marriage. Not even in her wildest dreams can she view them to be in the shoes of the characters in the novels she reads, and especially the one she recently completed. 

Once the three of them have departed for the airport, Ma pulls out the paperback from underneath the pillow. With the eyes of a proud mother, she views the cover page. 

Destiny's Gamble

Ma's eyes blur with tears of joy, as she stares at the page. Her son made it. Manik found his home in this life, and settled into it. Years before Nandini stepped foot into her son's life, Ma would have never foreseen Manik to be who he is now. In fact, the thought of Manik's life remaining the way it was - lacking progress - had caused Ma to lie awake many a times at night. Now, however, she sleeps in utter peace, knowing her son is free of all the worries that once burdened him. 

A few months after Manik and Nandini began their life, anew, he began to pen down the journey they took. All the way from day one to the night he went with Nandini to give Chachi the good news of her memory recollection. However, he only printed one copy, and gave that to Ma. Manik did not wish for the world to read about his happily ever after, he just wished for it to be captured somewhere that was more reliable than the unpredictable mind of two humans. 

One day Maheroo will be aware of who she read about, Ma thinks to herself. Oh, how she will be pleasantly surprised. 


Maheroo has never been much of a deep sleeper. In fact, even the slightest of whispers is well capable of awakening her. So it was only expected that the noise her parents were making would reach her ears. Usually the little girl does not wish to invade their privacy. Today, however, her feet urged for her to get out of bed, and head in the direction of the sounds. Perhaps it was the spell of romance that had just recently been cast upon her. Well, whatever it was, Maheroo found herself peeking out of her bedroom door. 

The sight that greeted her was a pleasant one. Her parents were seated across from each other at a dinner table, sharing what seemed to be a candlelight dinner. The table was laden with a pure white tablecloth, a pair of candlesticks placed in the centre of it. 

They look like two high school sweethearts, Maheroo thought to herself. Instead of cringing like most children would, the little girl's eyes lit up at this romantic moment. Grinning, Manik reached across the table and took ahold of Nandini's hand. His eyes were fixated on her as if the rest of the world was nonexistent. After all, she is his world. 

An involuntary sigh escapes Maheroo's lips, as she steps back into her room, and shuts the door. Tonight, her parents are in their little bubble, and it wasn't right of her to trespass. Of course, Maheroo was well aware of this. With a lingering smile on her face, she tucked herself back into bed. 

Maybe fairytales do exist in reality, she fondly thought to herself. Perhaps the novels that writers wrote, and the movies that gained such momentum in the industry, were inspired from real life events. 

A/N: Hey my lovely readers, I believe it is now time to bring this beautiful journey to an end. So here I'd like to say a thank you to all of you who stuck by through thick and thin, and through the ups and downs. Thank you to those who were patient, and to the ones who encouraged me frequently with your personal messages and public comments. I'd especially like to appreciate those who were concerned about my well-being during the days that I was absent. It truly means the world to me. Thank you. 

As much as I hate bringing this chapter to a close, and saying goodbye to ya'll, every good thing does wrap up someday. And I guess today is our day to seal the deal. However, along with bidding ya'll farewell, I'd also like to ask you one question: If I were to pen down another MaNan romance, would ya'll be so kind as to want to read it? I'm already brainstorming with an idea, and if ya'll are up for it, I'd love to publish another book, and embark on a fresh journey with you. Take care and stay safe xx

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