An Argument Much Needed

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"I got the hay." A man says from behind me. I shut my eyes, mentally cursing him for this interruption. I can bet that hay isn't more important than what was going on between Manik and I. My husband snaps out of his trance, his gaze traveling towards the man. 

I open my mouth to say something, but words fail my lips. What can I possibly say, after all? No amount of words will be able to match up to those that have just moments back escaped Manik's lips and entered my ears, thereby blessing them. Manik's eyes land back on mine.

"I...I'm sorry," he says, sidestepping and heading past me. I stand rooted to my spot, unsure whether I've heard him correctly. He's sorry? What in the world does he mean by that? Is he apologizing for the fact that I was the recipient of those words? I turn around, my mind clouded with confusion. I watch as Manik moves a bundle of hay towards the far corner of the barn. It almost seems as if what happened mere moments ago doesn't affect him whatsoever. Has he already moved on this quick? Because I will definitely take time to recover. 

Shaking my head in disbelief at Manik's nonchalant behavior, I continue to twirl the flower between my fingers and head out of the barn. What's the point of staying and musing over a trivial matter? Or at least that's how he's making it seem. 


"Angel, can you go and grab me another box of syringes?" Manik asks, stopping beside me. He holds out a plastic bag towards me. "And dispose these used ones somewhere that's not the river." I stare at the bag, a scoff of amazement escaping my lips. Wow, so we're really going to play dumb, huh? 

"Honestly, I think you're handling the situation around here just fine." I say, shrugging my shoulders. "I mean, I don't think you need my help, Manik. So I suggest you handle this task yourself as well." I grab the mortar off the ground, and march away from the Devil. 

"Angel!" Manik calls from behind. Turning a deaf ear towards him, I turn the corner and head back towards the school. However, as I'm turning around the bend, I glance over my shoulder towards Manik's feet. He's wearing a pair of rubber slippers that already look worn out. The sides of his feet are lined with cuts and scratches, his toe nails covered with mud. This man is stupidly generous at times. Although he has managed to ease another's pain, now he's the one suffering. Aiyappa, he frustrates me to no end.


"Have I fucked up again?" Manik asks, entering the kitchen. He waves his hand in front of his face to dissipate the smoke that's clouding the small room. 

"This area doesn't concern you," I say. "Go away." A handful of dishes clatter to the ground, causing a loud ruckus in the already claustrophobic space. I turn around to find Manik standing in between the mess. He looks up from the scattered steel pots and pans, giving me a sheepish smile. Rolling my eyes, I turn around and continue to stir the chicken curry. 

"I came to say thanks," Manik says. Through the corner of my eye I can see him picking up the dishes and lining them back up next to the wall. "For the turmeric paste. It sure as hell is giving my wounds some relief." 

"I didn't send any paste," I lie. I can feel Manik grinning behind me.

"Next time if you want to cover up your actions, I suggest you don't send an easily manipulated child. Especially if he's already on Team Manik." I ignore the Devil. I turn off the flame and place the spatula back on the cement counter. All done! 

As soon as I turn around, I'm met with Manik's front which is dangerously close to mine. My eyes trail up from his chest and straight towards his black orbs. He's gazing back down at me with amusement sparkling in them.

"I thought hating was my forte," he comments. The pad of his thumb makes contact with the skin of my cheek, goosebumps erupting across my arms. "What have I done?" Manik asks, his index finger caressing my chin. He gives it a light push upwards, just as his other hand presses against the small of my back, leaving no space whatsoever between our bodies.

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