The Garden Of Eden

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A/N: What day is it? Double update day!! Happy reading xx

"I'll take the floor," Manik says, my eyes following his silhouette in the dark. He grabs the feet of the bed and pulls it towards the opposite corner of the room. Without saying another word, Manik exits the room. Did I do something wrong? Perhaps I upset him with my words? 

Sighing, I get off the floor and begin to arrange the bedding. Once I'm done with the job, I lie down on the bed and wait for Manik's return. God knows where he's wandered off to at this hour. This isn't familiar territory for him, like Mumbai, and so I can only pray that he finds his way around, and doesn't end up getting lost. The locals are early sleepers, which means no one's going to come to his aid as well. Aiyappa, I should've stopped him when I had the chance.


I sit up with a jerk, my eyes hastily taking in my surroundings. Where in the world...Realization dawns on me as I recall the happenings of yesterday. I whip my head towards the floor, the bare ground staring back at me. Where's Manik? Did he not come back last night? Aiyappa, I hope he's alright.

There's a knock on the door and without waiting for my reply, the person on the other side throws the door open. I open my mouth to let out a protest, but then in walks Aryan. He's radiating an air of confidence which wasn't there yesterday. What's different today? I do a once-over of his figure, my eyes sticking to his shoes. 

"Nice pair," I comment, nodding my chin towards his sneakers. He grins, staring at them as if he can't believe they're on his feet.

"I know!" He exclaims, his eyes sparkling. "Superman gave them to me. He said I can even keep them long after he's gone." Aryan once again diverts his gaze to the new pair of shoes he's acquired. "They're so comfortable. It's almost as if I'm wearing clouds on my feet," he gushes. "Not that I've ever felt clouds, but if they do have a feel, then I'm sure this is how the texture will be."

I tilt my head to the side, unsure whether I've heard the young lad correctly.

"Manik gave those to you?" I ask for re-confirmation. I remember my husband wearing the exact same pair yesterday and I also know that these are his favorite because be it night or day, one will always find Mr. Manik Malhotra wearing these shoes. Aryan nods enthusiastically. "Today? I mean, Manik's already awake?" The boy nods once more. "What's the time?" 

Lifting up the corner of the pillow, I pull out my watch from underneath. It's just sixty-thirty in the morning. How in the world is Manik up and kicking at this hour?

"He's been up since the early light of dawn," Aryan tells me. "And he's a real hard worker too. Superman has already gone halfway around the village injecting people. He says it's good for their health and because everyone looks up to him they're gladly agreeing." Aryan's right because the kit of medicines isn't lying in a corner of the room anymore.

"Well then, what're we waiting for? Let's go and join the action." I say, kicking my legs off the bed and onto the cold ground. My gaze travels towards Aryan's feet once more. Although I'm glad this boy will not have to suffer the pain of blisters and cuts anymore, I am highly concerned about the big baby who might just be going barefoot for the entirety of the two weeks. Aiyappa, I hope he has backups. 


The entire school compound is devoid of water and according to Aryan, this job is also a courtesy of Manik, and now he's apparently trying to fix another cause of trouble for the villagers.

"Superman's in there." Aryan says, pointing in the direction of the barn. "I'm going to go and check up on the little one, but you can go ahead. Okay?" I nod, smiling. 

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