The price of truth

Start from the beginning

"During the night." He explained. "It will be easier to avoid curious glances that way."

"And I take it you'll be going after the last key soon after." I sighed out. I knew what it meant. Cappadocia wasn't next door, unfortunately. It would take a while for him to get there, but it was more than necessary. Without this one last effort, we'd never open Altaïr's library. And after so much effort...we couldn't let it all be for nothing.

"You know we have to, (y/n)." he said softly, just as I felt his gentle touch against my cheek. "We will be returning to Constantinopoli soon afterwards."

"I know." I nodded, cracking a smile. "It's just that it'll be hard to stay away. I've grown fond of this city."

"Me too..." he smiled tenderly. "But we both know Roma is waiting for us; Sooner or later, we will have to go back."

"Sfortunatamente (Unfortunately)..." I lay on the pillows next to him, letting out a soft sigh. I knew it better than anyone here how fond I grew of this city. Cracking my eyes open, I watched as Yusuf began to clean up the mess Ezio made, shaking his head with an amused smirk painting his lips. I made so many good friends over these past few months, but...the one I'd miss the most was Yusuf. Yes...I'd definitely miss him the most.

As expected, Ezio got up a few hours before sunrise. I got up with him, and took the opportunity to watch the sunrise up from Galata Tower while I waited for his return. And to be honest, it got me thinking. Deep down, I knew exactly what Ezio wasn't telling me. I read The Secret Crusade, after all. I read about what happened to Sef, Malik and Maria. But my main question was why he was keeping this from me. What had he seen, exactly, that got him so freaked out? I allowed myself to fall back and down onto the cool stone, gazing up at the still-dark sky with thoughtful eyes. Soon, I'd no longer be seeing this sky. My nose would no longer be tempted by the divine smells coming from the Grand Bazaar; My eyes would no longer be swooned by the beauty of Constantinopoli. Instead, they'd gaze up at the ancient majesty that is Masyaf Castle, completely abandoned and covered in snow. I'd see the symbol of the Levantine Assassin Brotherhood still drawn out in stone by the main entrance of the castle, the empty, naked walls still echoing with past conversations. What had Masyaf truly become after Maria's death? Though Niccolò's journal briefly explained it, one can never compare writings to visions. One single image can tell so, so much more than a thousand words. And I guess Altaïr knew this too. After all, why else would he leave memories engraved in those keys if not to show them to us? To teach us something?

I could still see it, feel it all so vividly...Maria losing the strength to stand on her feet, Altaïr's arms around her, her vision quickly becoming blurry, the ever-growing numbness that came with death...her soft, reassuring words to him. "Strength, Altaïr..." I lightly muttered those words out. Such a simple phrase that forever remained branded into my thoughts. They were the parting words of a mother, a wife, a friend. They were the parting words of a woman Altaïr would never stop loving, no matter how much time went by. I sighed as the thought crossed my mind. What would things be like had she survived? Had she not been killed then and there? Would they perhaps, be able to vanquish Abbas together? Or would they still have run away to Alexandria, alongside Darim? Ahh, so many questions indeed... But alas, Ezio should be almost back by now. And so, it was with a heavy heart that I stood from the smooth, cool stone of the Galata tower and headed to the platform. I gazed at the beauty of the sea one last time before I finally steeled my heart, and jumped.

A game, or real life? (Ezio x reader)Where stories live. Discover now