author's note + q&a :)

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oh. my god.

it's done.

ok ok let me take a quick breath and try to speak english.

*sharp inhale*

THANK YOU ALL SO, SO, SOSOSO MUCH! you guys are all unbelievably kind and so, so funny. i can't begin to tell you how many times i've nearly peed my pants reading your comments. and all of the love and support you guys give me is unreal. i can hardly express how much i love ya'll, cus i really never even dreamed that my weird, terribly written fanfiction would get this far. so, ya, thanks :>

also, i've probably mentioned somewhere before that writing is, sometimes, the sole thing in my life keeping me going. that's probably not the most healthy thing, but, well... it be like that sometimes.


i think this story was kind of confusing. did you guys think so? if you did, i definitely won't be offended or anything haha—i just hope you could still make out what was happening. it was confusing to write, to say the least. i think that's mostly because i was actually planning on ending it around chapter 30, after the fight with Lucifer.

i was just going to kill Alastor off and send (Y/N) on her merry way to heaven, believe it or not. but then i decided not to make it a tragedy. *shrugs* :)

well, back to the point; it was confusing, so i'm giving ya'll the opportunity to ask me questions, because whAT DO pEoPle dO aftEr they'vE FInisHED A Story and suddenly have nO mEANING to liFe? they make a q&A hAhahHa!

so yeah ask me questions if u want to lol! just comment them :) feel free to ask about the story, or me, or what Obama's last name is. idc

again, i would like to thank you all for supporting me on this hell of a story. i have more books, too, if you enjoy my writing! and if you ever want to do some peer editing shit with me, shoot me a PM! i would be hella honored to work with any of ya'll.

okokok i'm done now

buh bye!

(P.S. there will be one more 'part' after this. just so you're all... prepared.)

(P.P.S. bring a condom.)

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