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[ OMG GUYS WE'RE AT 32k READS!! that makes me so happy :> i love you all

CREDIT FOR PICTURE ABOVE: @//blue_is_usually_sad on instagram

also, i'm really sorry for being inactive. a lot has been going on in my personal life, and i haven't quite had the time nor the motivation to write much. i'm working on myself, and i hope you guys can understand. ]

Second person POV, past tense


The grass was cold.

How is it cold when we're in hell, the hottest place in all of existance?

Nonetheless, your fingers wrapped around a handful of it, like the action might keep you from flying away.

If you let go, you might actually fly away—to heaven.

Alastor did not share your fear of floating into the clouds. Quite the opposite, in fact. If he was scared at all, it was because of what stood before him, right here, right now, in hell.

With her polished metal sword gripped tight within her thin, claw-like fingertips, Lilith looked like the perfect picture of a demon queen. She smirked playfully, her watchful gaze narrowing as if she were trying to find the fear hidden within Alastor's core. To her, all of this was a game.

If you had to guess, it would probably be a game of chess. It wasn't like her life was on the line; she had you two in a checkmate.

"I'm surprised it was so easy to find you, Al," she scoffed. "I thought you were a professional."

"You thought correctly," Alastor said as he straightened his bowtie, careless as ever. His ever-present grin played with the corners of his lips, showing not a single sign of cowardice. He looked bold, confident. Lilith's threatening glare meant nothing to him. "I saw no point in hiding. After all, what's the point of hiding from a blood-thirsty bunny?"

"Any more back talk, and I'll slit your throat." Lilith adjusted her grip on the lean blade in her palm, like she was reminding herself that she still had it.

Reminding herself that she still had you in a checkmate.

"Isn't that what you came here to do?" Alastor quips, his head cocking to the side.

You cleared your throat.

Both Lilith and Alastor turned in your direction as you rose to your feet, tearing the grass right out of the ground as your fist rose with you. It was still cold and dewy in your palm, right up until the moment when you let it go.

For a second that felt like an hour, the forest went silent, as if someone had hit mute on the sounds around you.

The quiet moment reminded you of your death. Standing at the edge of that dark forest... fear and regret making your eye lids heavy...

Icy hot anger sunk through your bones with the memory, coursing through your veins like a river, drowning out all thoughts of reason. You felt—and acknowledged—the animalistic rage take over your concious mind as you stared at Lilith's scornful expression. It allowed no normal thought to beat past the barrier of emotion that stood high and rigid within your head.

"Leave him out of this," you hissed. There was so much menace in your words that they tore at your throat, creating a feeling like sandpaper on metal, if that could be described as a feeling. "This is about me, right? You want me, don't you? You think I'm a disgrace to your kind. So take your bitchy little eyes away from him and look at me, because I'm your fucking target, right?"

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