[ 29 ]

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Note: this chapter takes place several minutes before the end of the last chapter.

??'s POV, present tense

My chance to take her has arisen.

Second person POV, past tense

Lucifer's back slammed against the concrete wall, the beautiful black wings that had sprouted there moments ago crumpling, sending silky black feathers everywhere. Alastor hit him again, and he was about to a third time when Lucifer splayed his hand outward, using some invisible force to make Alastor wince in pain.

You cringed. It was thrilling, yet emotionally painful, in a way, to watch them fighting. The guilt came in waves; each time you saw Alastor get hurt, another one came.

They were fighting over you. Every time Alastor got hurt, it was because of you. That was what made watching this whole thing painful to bear.

"It's fascinating, isn't it?"

You gasped, spooked. For a second, you thought it might have been Eve, but when you turned around to see the woman standing beside you, your assumption was demolished. The woman was anything but the brunette with the thin green dress. She had long, blonde hair—so long that it curled around her skinny ankles. A silky, burgundy dress hung down her extremely curvy figures, defining every bit of her Victoria's-secret-model-worthy body.

You let your eyes scan the entirety of her, judging every bit. "Who are you?" you asked her.

"I'm Lucifer's wife, and Charlie's mother. I'm surprised you and I haven't met yet," she said. Her voice was smooth and deep, like melted chocolate. "You may call me Lilith."

Just as she finished talking, the ceiling dashed towards the ground, and for a heart-shattering moment, you thought you were all going to be crushed like Spongebob under the heel of Dennis the Hitman's boots. Except then the ceiling halted, but not before it hit Alastor, sending him crashing towards the ground.

His back slammed into the concrete floor, and Lucifer was above him in a flash. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight, and you started picking at one of your fingernails nervously. You desperately wanted to do something to help him, but you knew that all of your efforts would be futile.

You turned to glare at Lilith, suddenly feeling snarky. "Come to cheer on your husband, didn't you?"

Lilith smiled, ignoring your clearly hostile tone. Her expression was sticky and sweet, and it kind of looked like her lips were covered with syrup. They were, in fact, covered in black lipstick. "No. Quite the opposite, in fact. I came to save you."

You paused, staring at her. Why would she have come to help me? you thought, perplexed. She's supposed to be on the other team.

You must have looked as appalled as you felt, because she continued to explain herself, "I think you should get a chance at life—well, a chance at living in the afterlife, I mean—but my husband is trying to take that away from you." She glanced over at the two fighting demons, then back at you. "If we can get them to stop fighting, I can talk to my husband and we can create some sort of... agreement."

"How do I know I can trust you?" you blurted.

Lilith hesitated, like she didn't know how to answer the question. "Your name is (Y/N), right?"

"Uh, yeah." You frowned. How did everyone know who you were? Were you really that special?

"Okay, (Y/N), I'll tell you why you can trust me." Lilith blinked, her long eyelashes batting like butterfly wings. You wondered if they were real. "I want you to survive as much as I want all of the other Purebloods to survive. I want to save you all, because Lucifer is treating you like animals. He's giving you away to heaven like you are worth nothing."

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