Hyejin's attention went to Wheein one more time, from the slightly exposed chest because of the three open buttons to the rolled-up sleeves, to the way her lips moved every time the cigarette leaves her mouth followed by the smoke and the way she was sitting with her legs open. She was looking hot.

"Hyejin?" Ahn gave in completely. She sat on her friend's lap, a leg on each side of Wheein's thighs and her arms circling the latter's neck. "Hye..." Hyejin lowered her head so her lips could reach the younger's ear. She started to whisper the song in Wheein's ear.

"I got a secret set I wanna show you, oh"

her hips started a slow back and forth movement giving the younger a slow lap dance

"I got a secret I'mma drop 'em to the floor"

Both of her hands went to Wheein's neck caressing the place softly making the girl shiver

"No teasing, you waited long enough go deep, I'mma throw it at ya can't catch it"

Wheein gulped and swallowed the cigarette once more. One of her - hesitating- hand went to the Hyejin's hips following the movements. It was impossible to stay still when you have a Hyejin giving you the lap dance of your life while whispering an erotic song in your ear.

"Don't hold it back you know that I like it rough, know I'm feeling ya, huh know you're liking it huh"

Hyejin tugged Wheein's earlobe in between her teeth biting softly and kissing the spot bellow. She knew what she was doing to her friend.

Her hips never stopping, she sat up again looking at Wheein with a smile that made older smile back releasing the smoke on Hyejin lips since the latter was close. Hyejin smiled stealing the cigarette from Wheein's fingers and swallowed it looking in the girl's eyes.

She lowered herself again holding Wheein's face and released the smoke in the girl's mouth and Wheein caught all the smoke given and released it afterward. Hyejin finished the cigarette and went to whisper the song again but this time, in front of Wheein's lips and both lips almost touching.

"So why you standing over there with ya clothes on, baby strip for me"

Her hips went back at the sensual pace making both bodies start to heat up. Wheein held on Hyejin's hips following the movements but with a stronger grip.

"You better stop...or I'm losing my mind..."

Wheein breathed looking at her lap.

"That's good because I want you to lose it" Hyejin whispered in Wheein's lips

"You know what we are might about to do will maybe ruin our friendship..."

"Nice, that's everything I want." Hyejin smiled "So now... show me the beast hidden behind this cute face you have and everyone told me about."

Wheein threw her last string of self-control out of the window. Her grip on Hyejin's hips still firm but this time not only following the movements but also helping it making the grinding get more contact causing both too heavily breath at the touch.

Wheein bit Hyejin lower lip and started a kiss.

Their lips moved in sync, a slow kiss that gradually became hungry.

"Now there's no turning back." Wheein parted the kiss saying

"Who cares? We can still be friends with benefits." Hyejin gave a peek on Wheein's lips.

They both knew they wanted this more than everything. Hyejin kissed Wheein once again.

"So let's just fuck"

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