"Sorry for my rude behaviour at that day, Baekhyun ," Yesung turns back after saying this.

"Where is Chanyeol?" Baekhyun asks hurriedly.

"He won't disturb you anymore. Don't worry," Yesung says without turning back.

"He has taken long leave to go on a trip. With whom? Sandara, right?"

"Without none. He wants to have some days alone to adapt with lonely life ahead. That doesn't matter, you don't have to worry that you oneday he will return again to disturb you. Be happy," Yesung turns back and says with sad smile to Baekhyun.

" Tell him to stop showing ego and let me talk with him," Baekhyun frowns.

"Ego ? Is Chanyeol suffering looks like ego to you? Chanyeol several time confessed that he was irresponsible to you. He had fault for what happened to you. But he never ever wanted these things to happen with you. After that incidence, he was broken. He wanted to apologize to you several times. But everyone made those days hard for him. Your family,even his own family and sorrounding familiar people everyone started blaming him like he did it. He started hating himself from then,but still thought there's a way that after you would be awaken you would at least give him second chance to correct him. He remained silent when it started built up that he abused you . He thought he deserved these and everything would be okay soon after you will be back. He searched for you like crazy these days. Sometimes he lost his control,and got so much drunk to stay away from these constant sorrow. Several times he tried to self harm. He didn't let see others  in which condition he was passing through. He didn't seek help from anyone. Only I saw those that Chanyeol was destroying himself but still was waiting for you. Does he really deserve that murderer logo? This time you have totally broken him."

" If Chanyeol suffered enough,then what's about me? It's easy to say,but none of you can imagine how it feels to be a victim.  Those memories haunt me  and I still don't know that am I doing the same thing again . Chanyeol only regrets now,but what's else? Chanyeol regrets won't give me back my babies.  Your friend will never know how it feels to lose two babies at the same time. He doesn't have any regrets for them. Is there any surity that your friend will not change again? Imagine how you will feels when you will get a cold life partner like your friend. There was always a third person in our relationship obviously. Don't say you don't know it and I have the right to blame him for this."


"I really don't have right to say those to you,Baekhyun. Yes,you suffered so much. It's totally okay,if you don't want to be back to your abusive husband? May be I am sounding so biased that still I think Chanyeol deserves a second chance. If you think Chanyeol is the murderer,then I will say at least not blame him for this. Only because of that he started non-profitable charity work with children,when he got several sponsors to attend charity with profits. Chanyeol thought you will get bit consoled seeing these. All he does,only because he couldn't take care of them.  Three years is a long time to forget these memories. He didn't forget a bit. May be what I am saying those are not making any sense. Chanyeol has said he will let you free from now. Be happy, Baekhyun."

"Where is he? I want to talk with him."

"The lesser you talk,the more the distance gets far and memories get fades. I am requesting you not to meet him anymore. The more you meet him,he gets hope that you will come back. Don't give him hope please,when you are definitely coming back," Yesung stops to receive the phone call and makes bit distance to talk.

He wished Baekhyun will go away ,but turning back he get startled seeing Baekhyun is in his back.

"It's Chanyeol, right? He is not even picking my phone...But....  Has he blocked me? How dare he?" Suddenly Baekhyun turns angry.

"I blocked you,not Chanyeol. He was so drunk that night. He told me what you said him. I deleted your number and blocked you."

"Does Chanyeol know? "

"I said him. He said nothing. He won't try to contact with you anymore . He is determined this time," Yesung suddenly feels like to smile seeing Baekhyun is mad.

"Yah! How dare you to delete and block me from my spouse's phone? Because of you Chanyeol couldn't send me text. You are the third person villain here," Baekhyun says in mad voice.

"But all these are to help you," Yesung feels pointless.

"To help me? Yah!!! I didn't need your help. Where is he now?" Baekhyun steps towards Yesung closer and Yesung steps back.

"Yeah?" Yesung feels confused seeing scarry Baekhyun.

"Wanna repeat me? Where?" Baekhyun says in cold voice. Baekhyun keeps his hand in pocket  and takes out something like pocket folded knife.

"Baekhyun-shi, really? Wait, don't be invasive. Chanyeol is in my apartment . He will take my  car when will go on long trip. The car is out of fuel. If you leave right now, you can catch him," Yesung panics.

Baekhyun unfold the things  and it turns to be a pocket fan. Baekhyun shakes the fan to get some air

"Today's temperature in Seoul is so high. Check the hospital's air conditioning system, hyung. I am leaving. Thanks for help," Baekhyun smiles cutely when wipes the sweat under his bangs.

Yesung remains like statue as Baekhyun leaves hurriedly.

" Scary,crazy and beauty.... Chanyeol's kink is dangerous always," Yesung feels goosebumps to raise in his skin.



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Hi,I am back.

Days are getting harder. But I am trying to enjoy this day. Keep me in Prayer.

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