Chapter 4: First Day In The Big House

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Sirius looked down and saw the boy completely asleep. Somewhere he must've lost him. But he was happy the boy was back to sleep nice and calm. He carefully removed his arm from Harry and slowly got out of bed. He gave a small kiss on Harry's forehead before whispering a quiet good night to him. He then quietly made his way out of the room to his bedroom.

"Well the boy is fast sleep now. But it worries me that he could be so violently scared by a horrible nightmare." Sirius said getting into bed next to Remus. Remus put his book down and turn off the light. "I agree. He went straight into his little space when it happened which means whatever it was in the dream must've really scared him. But have you noticed his little side is starting to take over more often." Remus pointed out.

Sirius nodded "You're right. We will have to figure out what going on in the morning." He leaned over to Remus and kissed him on the lips. Remus smiled enjoying the kiss "What was that for?" Sirius smiled back "That was long over do."


Soon the morning sun shined through the windows of the house and everyone got up and ready for the day. All except Harry who was still sound asleep. But this was a good thing especially for Remus and Sirius. The two sat in the kitchen across from eachother getting ready for their first day together with Harry. Sirius had a book about littles he was reading to Remus.

"So I've been reading up on how to take care of a little since you sent me your first owl about Harry. Sadly the book says that today will be our hardest day with him. It says that usually they aren't ready to give up being big right away and struggle between their big head space and their little head space. But the most important thing today for us it says is to be stern with him and not to let him get away with everything or it will make things harder. Today we should set the rules for the house so he knows right from wrong."

Remus nodded his head and grabbed a piece of paper. "You talk a big game Sirius but it seems to be that your the one being soft with Harry. Are you sure you'll be tough enough if he says anything to you?" Remus said while he started to write down some rules. "Moony you should speak for yourself." Sirius joked back. In all reality they both were a little soft. Harry was so special to the both of them. But he was certainly going to test that today.

Harry started to wake up in his room. He was wrapped in his blanket with his arms around his little lion. He looked around confused to where he was but suddenly it hit him again. He threw his head back onto the pillow as all the embarrassing memories started to flood into his mind. But one of them stuck with him. He threw his blanket to the side and felt his hips.

Harry sighed, he was still wearing a nappy. His cheeks turned red with embarrassment. Did he really need this? Maybe it was just a one time thing with yesterday? Harry shook his head and sat up out of bed. He looked around the room for a minute. Around him was new things that weren't there last night. There was now a very large dresser against one of the walls. Harry looked at it confused. Why was the dresser almost a table. He couldn't wrap his mind around it.

But he soon stopped in his tracks. Harry felt his bladder aching. He need to use the restroom. But what Harry didn't notice till now was that his room didn't have one. He really had to go, so he grabbed his stuffed animal lion and headed out the door to the next room over. Remus and Sirius room's door was left open. Harry stood in the door way about to enter their room and explore when he heard a familiar voice from behind him.

"There's my little boy!" Sirius said from behind. Harry turned around and smiled "Good morning Sirius. I was just...curious to where you and Professor Lupin were." Hardy said thinking fast. "Please Harry you don't have to call him Professor Lupin. I'm sure he would be fine with Remus or Lupin. But nevertheless we have a great fun day prepared for you! But before we head down stairs do you need to be changed?" Sirius asked as if it was nothing. Harry's whole face turned red.

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