Chapter 53: Sun Rui's First Life

Start from the beginning

But remembering that I had recently chosen Imperial Consort Ruo in the last consort selection, I felt a slight sense of peace and... Anticipation. The tablet I had randomly chosen was apt for this night.

In any case, it would be a comforting night of rest.


Leaving the Emerald Palace in a good mood, I felt my spirits uplifted.

As I made my way back to the throne room, I caught sight of the Empress in the gardens.

She noticed me and looked at me in surprise. Then kept her surprise hidden as she curtsied elegantly.

Sun Su Chen.

My childhood playmate.

My fiancée since young.

My Crown Princess.

Now, my Empress.

For someone of her background, she would usually not be worthy of her current status, had it not been for my mother's love for her mother.

As she kept her head down, I excused her.

She gently rose and looked demurely away.

She held onto her handkerchief daintily.

I must admit.

This woman has the noble bearing of an Empress and from the snippets I heard, the aptitude for the role.

But... (And I can't get over this) for her height (and child-like looking figure and face).

No matter the times we meet as someone who has grown up together with me, Su Chen was not my ideal beauty. Or perhaps, I see her as a younger sister?

After the customary first night, I don't believe I have been intimate with her again.

In all other aspects though, I have provided and given her my support as the Emperor (and back then, as the Crown Prince). And after a fulfilling night with a new ample beauty, let's just say that a harem is needed for the Emperor (me) to be an efficient worker beyond just having an efficient Empress.

I am, by no means, a lustful person.

As the Crown Prince, having four concubines was considered prudent.

And as a newly minted Emperor, selecting 8 beauties was already the minimal amount for my first selection. 

I'm not lustful.

I simply have an appreciation of the female beauty.

And a certain type of female beauty appeals to me.

Plus, I needed the connections.

I smiled then excused myself and left the Empress behind me.


After that day, I rarely saw the Empress. Beyond the ceremonies and formal ocassions, I rarely conversed with her.

In fact, had it not been for those ocassions, I might have totally forgotten her.

I had nearly succeeded in controlling the majority of the ministers when that incident happened.


Breathing heavily, I clutched my bleeding side and limped down the hallway.

It was the end.

Shouts renewed around me as my guards leapt out to protect me as I escaped.

I gritted my teeth.

I did not expect my trusted Eunuch De to betray me together with my elder brother.

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