Chapter 49: Resolution

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"Jun Qiang, I'll wait here."

Su Chen smiled gently.

"I know that you'll protect me well."

Jun Qiang still looked worried. But he nodded   then disappeared.

Su Chen sat at the windowsill for a long while.

She had thought it through in her head.

She knew that where she was at was probably known to Sun Rui but she had heard how on the day Shen Yi had brought her back, he had quickly intensified the security at the gates of North Wind. Stricter checks for people entering in practically made North Wind a fortress. Even the Emperor might find it difficult to enter in at the rate the North Wind guards were going about!

It was as if Shen Yi was saying "Even if you know where she is, you can never get her."

Su Chen couldn't help but smile wryly at the thought of Shen Yi's cocky and arrogant expression.

But she had to admit... His confidence was contagious. It made her feel secure.

Perhaps, if he was here, she would have teased him about how she, too, was taken out from his territory easily previously (at which, If Jun Qiang knew what she thought, he would smack his head in frustration. The guards here and then were different! Plus the hidden guards Su Chen had now were not inferior to him and it was double the amount then! He could confidently say she was more protected than the Emperor himself!).

But he was not here.

Why was it when she... wants him, they were still separated.

But Su Chen trusted him.

If anything, she wasn't the kind to sit and mope.

She had tons of ideas to try and this time, all her ideas would include him inside.

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