The Prince and his temper

Start from the beginning

My father's study is the last door in the hall. I walk in to find him waiting for me. "Can I Help you son?"

"Yes, father you can go out fighting." I say just before I lunge at him. He dodges and makes a counterattack. I was waiting for it and punch his squarely in the jaw. He goes down and I make the final blow and rip out his heart and tear off his head. the head will be displayed in front of the castle for one month before it will be burned, and the ashes scattered all around the castle grounds. Goddess that felt good and now I'm the ruler. I make all the decisions for now on. It's about time.

"SOMEONE GET IN HERE NOW!" I yell out. Within minutes a maid and a guard step into the study and looked at me.

"Get this mess cleaned up and the head on a pike in front of the castle. I want everyone to know that he is dead."


A few hours later I decide to check on the girl. The guards move out of my way as I walk up. One of them opens the door and tells me that she was taken to the restroom about an hour ago. She never said a word, he just used common sense.

The door opens silently, and I see she is on the bed asleep. She is laying on her stomach and I can see the Welts on her back. one of them looks to still be bleeding, I silently ask one of the guards to grab me some ointment and cuffs and chains. A minute later the guard returned with everything. I walk over to the bed and first carefully put the cuffs on her wrists and the chain them both to the bed, then do the same to her ankles. I'm surprised she doesn't wake up.

I tell the guard to grab me a bucket of water and add salt to it then to leave the room. A minute later when he returns. I dump the bucket on her and wake her up. She however doesn't move. I know she is alive because I felt her pulse when put on her handcuffs. I check her pulse again and find it weak. FUCK. I need a doctor to look at her. Therefore, I don't like to have humans as slaves they are too weak.

Fuck it she can die for all I care I can just get another one if I need to and I didn't need one that can't talk.

"Guard", I yell " he steps in and doesn't even look at the bed. I have all my guards well trained. "I don't feel like having a doctor come to care for this little human piece of scum. Let me know as soon as she either dies or gets better. If you wish you may take care of her yourself. but she is not to leave this room except to use the bathroom or if she is dead. Understood?"

"Yes sire", he replied.

I left him in the girl's room and went to my own room and have a maid come to my room. I needed some pleasure tonight and I will have it.

After the prince leaves the guard, Alexander, walks over to the girl Morgan and was deciding to take care of her or to just let her die. Prince hunter said he didn't care. He should be nice and just let her die. It would be the kind thing to do. He though just couldn't do it. Alexander walked over to where the prince left the ointment, picked it up, and walked over to the bed. he felt bad for the way this girl was treated. he would feel even worse if she died because he didn't help her. With that thought in mind he sat on the bed and applied the ointment. afterwards he walked out and told the other guard to keep an eye on her while he got the medicine to save her life.

Even though everyone in the castle was a vampire, a vampire's blood would not heal people and just biting them would not change them. the witch that made the first vampire did it to make sure that in order to be a vampire you would have to want to be a vampire. unless you were born a vampire.

Alexander or Alex for short, got to the doctors and got medicine, and a few antibiotics. If only he could put that on the prince's tab he thought as he paid for it. Alex wasn't a doctor he only knew how to fight and how to follow orders. Morgan started to move in her sleep when Alexander applied the ointment to her back.

This is a good sign; it means she is not dead. The prince has a nasty tempter and just killed his father because he felt that it was time for the king to step down. The law states that the only way for a person to become king is when they kill the old king. If the king dies of illness or poison, then they will be a fight to the death for the new king.

I took the rest of the girl's shirt off and applied more ointment. I wanted this girl to live. I wanted her to see that there can be nice vamps here to. If she lived, then I would ask the king if I could teach her to behave. I figure that if I teach her then she won't be hurt as much.

"You get back here you piece of shit bitch", my father yelled down the street. I grew up in a bad neighborhood and my parents sucked for lack of a better word. My father loved to hurt me. He always said it was my fault that him and my mom couldn't love each other anymore. I ran away when I was 10 years old. I know that it seems young, but I couldn't take it anymore.

On this night my father had to many beers to count and I don't know how much he had to drink at the bar before coming home. My mother was passed out on the couch with a needle in her arm. I couldn't help her because my father wouldn't let anyone near her. That how he ended up chasing me down the street. See I got to close to my mom, I was trying to see if she was breathing and my father caught me and undid his belt to hit me, I didn't think, I just ran. I never saw them after that.

I ran until I couldn't feel my legs anymore and I couldn't see him. I think I made it to the next town over because I didn't recognize anything. Once I saw a park that didn't have a fence I ran there and hid in the tunnel until day light. I didn't get a chance to finish my education in the traditional since. I thought myself to be able to read and write at a 12th grade level and do enough math to do my own taxes if I ever needed to.

I stayed off the radar and I never went home. Sure, I kept tabs on my mother and father but they both are dead now. And I have no regrets.

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