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The first day I was in and out and needed really need and food or water. By the second day I was feeling the thirst and some hunger. On the 3 day I was hungry and thirsty and knew I needed to have something to heal my feet. I couldn't feel them anymore and with this room being unclean I knew that I was getting an infection on them if I didn't have one already. The pain mixed with no food and water started making me see and hear things.

First it was my father telling me I was in for it now and only thing to save me was killing myself. Then it was Derek telling me I better pay him the money or he was going to tell the king all my dark secretes to see me hurt. I didn't want the king or the guard to know. I begged and begged for them not to say anything but I did little good. Derek was a dark person and he got off on others pain. Maybe that's why I was able to stay with him for as long as I did, he enjoyed the hurt to me.

 Last was the sound of a baby crying and the monsters laughing at it. I want to help the baby. it was a new soul and I cried out for them to stop and to leave the child alone. After a while it didn't matter that it was my brain making up the sounds, it was someone that needed help and I couldn't help them

The door opened and light came through. I could no longer tell if it was someone coming in our just something else my brain came up with.

"I think it is time you got some water slave." I think that was Alex voice but I was to far gone to care at this point and just dropped my head. Alex undid the cuffs and I fell to the floor in a heap. He picked me up and to my surprise he carried me to my room and laid me down on the bed. Alex slide a hand under my neck and lifted making my head lean back some, he poured water down my throat making me choke on some but I was able to swallow some.

He laid my head down and pulled a blanket over me. My shoulders where sore and I count move. "You did well, ceann og, get some rest and I will heal you after. You still have some punishment left but it is almost over." It felt like he ran a hand from my hair down to my check but I was to lost to tell. Almost as soon as he left I passed out.

I knew I was out for a while and I could hear voices but couldn't make out what they where saying. 

At some point my feet no longer hurt and my shoulders started to relax. I slowly came to and noticed that I was not alone in this room. Knowing what would happened I decided to open my eyes and look to the one standing there. It was the king.

"About time you woke up slave."

I know I was going to pay for it but I did not want to be called slave. "My name is Morgan your highness," or at least that what I tried to say but as soon as I opened my mouth I did nothing but cough from the dryness in my throat.

The king, now with a smirk on his face grabbed a cup of water off the side table and held it to my lips. "Drink" was all he said before he tips the glass and allowed the water to flow down my throat. To my surprise he was gentle with me. I drank the water slowly and finished in just a few short moments. He placed the cup back down and took another cup and held it to my mouth again. "Drink" he said again and this time instead of water it tasted of chicken. Almost like a chicken broth. I drank this slowly to. once this cup was done he set it down and let go of me. "You may take the rest of the night to heal then tomorrow morning you are to report to work. There is a guard outside this door, don't try to run." With that he turned and left the room. 

Before the door shut I swore I heard him say, "I know your name." the door was back in darkness again and I did not care.

My stomach, now with water and broth felt good and I drifted back off to sleep. My mind filled with questions about this King and what he wanted from me.

Slave to a true monsterWhere stories live. Discover now