Lesson of Pain

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 "Slave you need to get up, it is time for work." The king informs me. I get up off the floor, my body is cold and sore, but I knew that I did not want another beating, I mean punishment. Not yet. "You will make me some pancakes with a cup of orange juice. I expect it to be warm by the time you get back." He turns his back on me and I slow get up and make my way to the kitchen.

'Fuck this' I thought to myself. Once I made it to the kitchen I looked around and when I noticed that I was alone I decided to try and escape. I ran out the back door and was able to make it to the edge of the woods before I was yanked back. I didn't make it. I failed.

"WAKE UP NOW" the king yelled right in my face. I jumped and tried to get up fast from the floor. My body sore for the rough night but as least I was able to stand after a second. I should have just stayed down. King Hunter punched me squarely in the gut. Hard. I bent at the waist as the air left my lungs and I fought for breath. My body was still healing form the last punishment and I have no Idea where this one is coming from. Had I made a mess in my sleep? I was sleeping for crying out loud.

"You tried to escape, slave."

"When?" I wheezed out. I didn't mean to. I meant to keep my mouth closed but I sometimes could not help myself.

"I can see your dreams, slave. I saw you wanting to run, and I saw you even tried, that's when I had to step in and stop you. No running, not even in your dreams." I am still bent over as he talks to me. My breathing is starting to even out. As I stood up straight again, he punished me again in the gut. This time I vomited what I had in my stomach. It wasn't much. Falling to my knees I stay down for a few minutes. Damn this bastard could hit.

"Get up you piece of trash, I want waffles for breakfast, roast beef sandwich for lunch and a blue steak for dinner with potatoes." I know you were made aware of when I except to have my food. Do not be late. In between you can finish what you started yesterday on the second floor." After the king finished talking, he left the room, and I was thankful. I can handle pain but that was a lot.

Taking a few more minutes I stood back up. It was hard to breathe but I think I could manage it. This was going to be hard and I knew that if I ever wanted to see the outside of these walls again, I needed to act the part. If I really wanted to survive, I needed to be what they wanted me to be. FUCK.

Getting up from the cold stone floor I head over and open the solid wooden door. I didn't notice last night but trying to open this door now I can feel how heavy it is and I must put all my weight into just getting it open an inch. The door bangs close behind me. I began the walk down the stairs and head to the kitchen.

Thankfully, the kitchen is in the back of the house and I because of this I can open the door and to try and get fresh air. Hopefully, they know that I am not running just need to breath. I mean come on this is stressful enough and not getting a real chance to take in everything that has happened. I don't even know how long I have even been here, what a day, a week, a month? Was anyone even looking for me?

I start to hyperventilate as I really start to think about everything that has happened. Slide down the wall next to the open door I put my head between my knees and take some deep breaths to calm myself down. After about 5 minutes I am collected again and get up to make the King his breakfast. I know by now it will be late, and I will be beaten again. I am human after all.

Going throw the cabinets I found a bowl, a whisk and a waffle maker. Taking the eggs out of the fridge and the mix from the cabinet next to it I went about making the waffles. While the waffles where being made, I grabbed a clear, tall glass from the cabinet next to the stove, and some orange juice from the fridge.

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