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flash back

"You get back here you piece of shit bitch", my father yelled down the street. I grew up in a bad neighborhood and my parents sucked for lack of a better word. My father loved to hurt me. He always said it was my fault that him and my mom couldn't love each other anymore. I ran away when I was 10 years old. I know that it seems young but I couldn't take it anymore.

On this night my father had to many beers to count and I don't know how much he had to drink at the bar before coming home. My mother was passed out on the couch with a needle in her arm. I couldn't help her because my father wouldn't let anyone near her. That how he ended up chasing me down the street. See I got to close to my mom, I was trying to see if she was breathing and my father caught me and undid his belt to hit me, I didn't think, I just ran. I never saw them after that.

I ran until I couldn't feel my legs anymore and I couldn't see him. I think I made it to the next town over because I didn't recognize anything. Once I saw a park that didn't have a fence I ran there and hid in the tunnel until day light. I didn't get a chance to finish my education in the traditional since. I thought myself to be able to read and write at a 12th grade level and do enough math to do my own taxes if I ever needed to.

I stayed off the radar and I never went home. Sure, I kept tabs on my mother and father but they both are dead now. And I have no regrets.


There is a lot of pain. I need to stop the pain. I can't talk they can't know.

Slowly I started to come back to where I was, I could tell my shirt was off and I was laying on my belly. Someone is in the room with me. Sitting on my bed. I can't more because of all the pain and I can't make a sound. I feel something cold touch my back and I almost break my vow of silence. After I few minutes of sweating bullets the cold stopped bothering me and my mind was able to break through the haze and I could finally open my eyes and the first thing I notice was a large man standing next to my bed and a look of a scared dog and worry where battling in his eyes.

"Relax child I will not harm you right now I only want to heal your wounds." This vampire said next to me. "My name is Alex and I am in charge of your care here. But make no mistake if you act up then I will kill you myself and save the king the trouble."

'so that was the king that whipped me' I thought to myself.

"I am going to touch your legs now Morgan. This is going to be cold but it will heal you." Alex said looking at my face for a sign that I understood. I shook my head yes and then looked away to brace for the impending cold and pain.

Thankfully after he finished I didn't pass out and I was able to move a little more.

"You did well little one. Here" he handed me 2 pills and a couple of water "take these pills and get some sleep, you will need it." I stared at him waiting for him to tell me what the pills were. I might be in pain but im not dumb I not just going to take pills because someone told me to. "they are to stop any infections that you might get from being in this dusty room."


I took the pills and instantly started to get light headed. "they are also sleeping pills." Alex said right before the darkness took me. . . again.


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