Let the Training Began

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I start to come to when I feel the hands of that guard on me again, he is being easy and trying not to hurt me. he had very gentle hands. slowly I roll my head and look at him. he has short blonde hair and light hazel eyes with specks of yellow floating around. he stood about 6' 3" and wore what I think is a standard guard uniform, a button up black shirt neatly tucked into his black dress pants and followed by black boots. I could not tell if they are steel toe or non-steel toe. His skin was a light brown almost like a tan.

He noticed I was looking at him and spoke. "how are you feeling slave?" Alex asked.

I just stared at him waiting to figure out that I was not going to talk to him.

"Slave, I know you can talk. the guard that picked you up heard you talking, why are you pretending that you cannot speak? you do know we have ways of making you talk. or at the very least scream." Alex said this with a smile on his face. Maybe this guard is not as nice as I thought he was if he is getting off on just the thought of hurting me.

I still don't say anything, but I have to admit the my back no longer hurt. Alex caught me trying to look at my back and grabbed a portable mirror from the side table and pointed it at my back. through the mirror I could see that there are no wounds left on my back and I no longer felt weak.

"The medicine I used was infused with a special herb that heals cuts and infections within 8 hours as long as the human is human and not a cross breed."

Well at least I know that I am fully human.

" It is now my job to train you to be a good respectful slave and to never lie. the first step to this is to get you to admit that you can talk. We know that you can and if you speak now that I will not punish you to harshly for not being honest, but if you continue to lie then I will be forced to hurt you until you do speak." Alex informed me. " So, slave what will it be?"

I stayed quiet and was no ready to show that I could talk just yet, if I was going to keep this plan in motion then they cannot hear the sound of my voice.

" Very well," said Alex, " get up and follow me."

Slowly I got up from the bed ready for another whipping. Alex lead me out of the room and headed back to the playroom as the King called it. in this room there was chains and cuffs on one side. a fireplace one the other. the table was in the middle of the room and there was a chair in front of the fireplace with restraints on the arms and legs. On another side there were shelves or different devices and I saw the whip the King had used on me.

On this shelve there were some things that I didn't even know what they are for. This room was big, enough for about 25 people to fit.

"Come on slave sit in this chair while I start the fire." Alex told me with his back bent. I didn't notice that while I was looking around the room the guard had locked the door.

I walked over to the chair slowly not knowing what was in store. By the fire what a wooden barrel with different iron rods sticking out. all I could tell was that there were about 6 different ones.

The guard came over and restrained my wrist. I was not scared figuring this was just a scare tactic and he wouldn't do anything to damaging considering that I only broke one rule but he doesn't know that yet. I just hope I can keep my mouth closed through it all. After my feet where strapped in and the chair was raised up to about The guards thighs, he leaned the chair back ever so slightly and took of my shoes and socks.

At this angle I could see the fireplace and see what he was doing. he took out one of the iron rods and showed it to me.

" This is going to hurt. do you see the shape it is? this is it an outline of a small star. This will make you scream." Alex turned his back to me and placed it in the now lit fireplace. after about 10 minutes he took it and starred at me.

Just as he was able to place it somewhere on my body, someone started banging on the door. Alex placed the poker back in the fire and went over to check the door. At this angle I could not see who was at the door but I didn't care. I needed a way out of this place and fast. no way do I want something branded on me.


After about a minute the door closed and in walked the King. he looked entierly to happy to be here. "So," he began "I hear you are still pretending to be a mute. I'll make you a deal. If you don't make one sound, not even a silent scream then you will give you a full 3 days to rest before I put you to work but, if you make even a soft sound then you will have proven that you have lied to me and will be harshly punished. is that understood?"

I nod my head in response and pray to whoever is out there that I can stay quite through this branding.

" Let's begin, shall we?" The King walked over to the fireplace and took out the bright orange piece of iron. "Remember one sound and the punishment will be worse." He stated before placing the hot poker directly on the bottom of my foot.

It took everything in me not to make a single sound. I bit my lip and started crying. You would be too if someone was doing this to you.

He lifted the poker after 30 seconds and put it back in the fire. I sat there trying not to scream and trying not to show to much weakness. but I was losing. if he did that anymore and I might lose this game. If I lose this game and I was as good as dead.

" Last one slave," was the only warning I got before he did the same thing to my other foot. I could not hold back anymore and screamed my head off. "just what I thought, you do have a voice you are fucking bitch."

The king removed the poker from my foot, and I sat there sweating and slumped over.

" You will get 10 minutes to recover before being punished for lying to me." The King left and I stayed there, panting and trying to catch my breath.

I don't know how much time really passed but all I know is that when I came to, I was strapped down to the table on my belly.

"Look here the slave finally woke up," the guard was back in the room and the king was walking around me. "Alex, what do you think should be the first move in training this slave?"

" Sire I think the first move was done, show this slave that we are going to follow through when we say something." Alex stated.

"Good job Alex, now what is the second move for lying to the King?"

" Usually it results in a beheading," Alex stated, "but I think a better punishment for this young slave is to leave her tied up for 3 days with no food, water and not heal the wounds that are on her feet."

" Sounds like you have thought this one through. Go ahead with your plan but instead of having her strapped to the table, stand her up so her feet never get a rest." the king stated and left the room.

Alex unstrapped me and stood me straight up as I winced in pain. he strapped me to the wall wit the wall cuffs and left the room. 

There I stood, waves of pain on my feet from the branding and no way to reduce the pain. this asshole had my hands to the side and if I tried to get off my feet then mt shoulders would cry from the pain.

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