The Prince and his temper

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We got to the last room on the right. The hallway was the same hallway that my cell was in, there was little lighting and after opening the door the first thing you would see is a room that had low lighting. There was a table in the middle of the room. On the right wall was a set of metal cuffs and down a little more from there was things that looked like it would cause a lot of pain. On the left was a fireplace. Just over the fireplace was a plate glass window I wasn't sure why that was there.

I was thrown into the room, deep down I knew this was going to hurt. Giving it was almost as if he was letting me take in the room before he started. I went from pretending to real, real fast.

"Get on the table and lay on your back slave." He had to be kidding right? He was not joking and to prove it, he grabbed me by my hair and threw me on top of it. "I changed my mind," he told me, "lay on your belly and don't you move, I will hit you ten times and I want you to count every one do you understand? If you don't count them out loud, I will add to your lashes, if it is proved that you really are mute then we will see wont we?" I hope I can pull this off.

        I looked at the monster with real fear in my eyes but hoped I could I hid it. He walked over and ripped my shirt in two straight down the middle. I didn't know if my body could handle this. After the beating that I got I was not so sure.

        "NOW COUNT" he shouted just before the first strike. no sound left me lips. "Let's try this again, when I hit you with this whip you will count." I was barely able to stay quiet with the first strike let alone the remaining hits.

The next thing I know he is putting the most painful whip away and taking down a paddle. "Do you know why I have this?"  He asked me. "I think you really are mute so because of that I will spank you instead of whipping you only 3 more than you can return to your cell and get some rest. Tomorrow you will need your strength."

With that being said he hit my ass 3 times and then lead me to my room. Once there I laid down on my stomach and he left without a word. The lock made a distinct click sound as it slides into place. I lifted my head to look at the room I was in. It was bigger than a broom closet but couldn't fit a full-size mattress. It had a place to put my clothes, if I had any, and a small no door closet. The door was made from wood, and the walls were stone. The floor was dirt. The bed was a very dirty mattress but right now it felt great to by aching back and butt. My bladder picked this time be emptied and even though I knew this mattress most likely has pee on it I couldn't bring myself to do that so I slowly got up and walked to the corner of the room and peed in the bucket that has hidden behind the dresser.

By the time I made it back to the bed I had fallen on top of it and I was out within moments. My body no longer able to do anything beside shut down and try to heal.
Prince hunter POV
Damn why did I have to be so soft on her? she is a slave taken for me. To do as I please. I need to be harder on her. Damn her.

"You there," I pointed to one of the guards in the hall above the dungeon," tell me if she makes a sound, anything from a whimper to a snort. I don't care but I want to know the second it happens." The guard left quickly. Good.

I had a few meetings today along with killing my father. fun stuff. I think I'm going to start with my father's death. That should only take a few minutes. His reign is over as of now. He should be in his rooms. At this time of night, he should be in his office behind the desk. he has a standard study. a few floor to ceiling bookcases, a nice oval red rug and a dark brown almost black wall. He has a computer on his desk as long a cord phone and a few pics of his now late wife and my 3rd stepmom.

Along the way to his study I walk down the hallway that has pass rulers on the wall. It's one of the only few unspoken rules that they are never taken down. I don't mind. I will be on the wall tomorrow and my father is the last painting. the first ruler goes back to the first vampire. now she was pure evil. See we are not the vampire dairies vamps, no we can kill are first without us dying. she was killed about 100 years after she created vamps. After her came Lord Wolfen Creed. He has the shortest rule in are history. Then came my family. We have Been the ruling family for 6 Generations.

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