Rhyme Royale, Long Form: "Pandarus"

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Rhyme Royale, Long Form: "Pandarus"

It was in April, though Troy was under siege,

,that Trojans paid respect to wise Athene.

Pandarus went with Troilus-friend and liege-

and many lovers on that day were seen

at temple-to pay homage they convened.

Prince Troilus scoffed at love and he made fun,

so whom Pandarus loved he told no one.

When he could take no more of Troilus' jests,

Pandarus left to go and clear his mind.

Though Troilus was the man he loved the best,

no way to tell him could he rightly find;

so thus to love alone he was resigned.

He wandered till the festival was done

and all the streets with people overrun.

In passing Pandar heard the Prince's name-

it seemed his lord was shouting through the streets

and crying that his heart will never be the same!"

so Pandar headed for the Prince's suite

to see with whom, in love, he must compete.

He found him crying loudly in his bed,

and with his pillows covering his head.

"What is the matter Troilus?" Pandar asked,

speaking close to show he was concerned,

"Why is it that you sound so much harassed?"

Slowly Troilus calmed himself and turned,

and told Pandarus, for what girl he yearned.

"I trust I can, in you my friend, confide,

the woman that I love is named Criseyde."

Although, inside, he burned with jealousy,

Pandarus, to Criseyde agreed to take,

some letters if he penned them carefully.

In part he did this for the Prince's sake,

and with him closer, he thought this would make,

yet in his heart devised a secret ploy

that with his labours, he'd his niece destroy.

Pandarus found Criseyde was hesitant

when to her palace took he Troilus' note.

Autonomy was her main precedent

and since her husband's death to stay remote,

and in a letter, her concerns she wrote.

But from his love she hid to no avail-

in time his letters, on her heart, prevailed.

One day Pandarus and his niece sat down

upon her window sill to have a word,

and saw the Prince, from battle, ride through the town

and by his handsome face they both were stirred,

and passed a moment there without a word.

Criseyde recovered first and saw her unc,

red in face and he in silence sunk.

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