Chapter Nineteen - Bloody Business

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If graphic violence or torture sequences disturb you, don't read the end of the chapter. If you want a summary of it without all the screaming, private message me and I'll tell you.

Pain shot through Drew's arm as Marty sunk his teeth into his wrist. Marty twisted around as he rolled to his feet, and a scream tore from Drew; as did a chunk of flesh. He blocked the fist that came flying towards his face; and remembered too late the trick Marty always played. Even as he blocked the punch, Marty grabbed Drew's wrist in an iron grip, claws digging in, and lunged forward; bloody teeth bared. He snapped at Drew's neck, catching his collar bone and fighting to get closer.

Drew let Marty knock him onto his back and brought his legs up between them. As Marty tried once more tear out his throat, Drew slammed his feet into his chest, sending him flying into the wall. The crunch that echoed in the Cave as Marty's head hit the wall was sickening enough to make even Drew wince. But it took more than one count of severe head trauma to knock Marty out.

As the Berzerker blinked heavily and tried to rise, Drew grabbed him by the head and slammed him into the wall again. This time, he went limp.

"Sorry, Mart. You're gonna have a hell of a head ache." He scrambled around in the dark to retrieve the keys and turned to Lynae. Her pulse was faint as well, but she didn't look nearly as emaciated. It probably had something to do with the dried blood smeared around her mouth and plastered to her neck and collar. This is too messy for her.

Did she go savage?

It looks more like- No, he wouldn't have. Like she was- force fed.

Oh no... you don't think-

Who else would've? She's been locked in here for who knows how long, and there's no wat she could've moved with these manacles on. He moved back to Marty's side and examined his wrists. Both bore jagged cuts- surrounded by bite marks.

Crows... She'll never forgive him for this. He went to work on the manacles, catching Lynae before she dropped. Cradling her against his chest, Drew brought his injured wrist to her lips, gently opening her mouth a bit.

"Come on, Lynae... Wake up. Come on..." He shook her a bit, nestling his wrist firmer against her mouth.

She didn't wake up with a faint stirring or slowly opening eyes. The only warning Drew had was a faint twitch of her mouth before she sunk her fangs in his wrist. Hissing a stream of curses, Drew held Lynae down as she fed, wriggling against him and constantly trying to get closer to the source of blood.

Footsteps echoed in the hall, the sound soon followed by Blaze and Matthsen.

"Drew? We heard fighting and-" Blaze stopped dead at the door. "What in all the underworld happened here?" he stepped forward, wincing at the bones that crunched underfoot.

Matthsen peered in from the doorway. "What is this place?"

"The Cave. Prisoners are left here to starve."

Blaze knelt beside Marty, examining the gaping head wound. "Is he-"

"He'll have the another of all headaches when he wakes." Blaze raised an eyebrow. "He's a berserker, he's been through worse." Lynae's squirming had lessened, settling down into a steady sucking, her hand grasping Drew's wrist. He was beginning to feel lightheaded, but he doubted he could get away from Lynae without a fight. The wound was throbbing, pain lancing up his whole arm. The bite on his collar bone stung as well. I wonder if Marty can be venomous when he wants to.

It certainly wouldn't surprise me.

"We need to get them upstairs." Blaze waved the reluctant Matthsen inside, and between the two of them they managed to pick Marty up. "I've get a temporary medic bay set up."

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