Chapter Five - Wolfy Matters

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 "Well then, maybe you'll be more useful than I thought you would." Those were the only words Blaze said before going to sleep. Drew couldn't help but be a little shocked by how easily Blaze took the news that he was in the same room as world-class gladiator who was on the run. Then again, is brother had murdered thousands.

Drew went to sleep after that as well, and woke up more rested than he could ever remember being. It might have had something to do with sleeping behind a locked door and on a real bed.

They woke early, early in the morning; long before the sun even thought of rising. There was porridge for breakfast, and even that tasted better than it had at the arena. Though, it still had the same grayish appearance. The cook told them that if they lingered a bit longer, there would be bacon, eggs, fresh bread.... Blaze practically had to drag Drew out of the inn.

"We have to get well into the forest by nightfall," he said, not releasing Drew's arm.

"Oh come on, I've never had bacon before!"

"That's too- actually, that's tragic. I promise you'll eat some soon, but not today." They marched down the dark, empty road, soon coming to edge of the village. A stretch of plains lay before them, still enshrouded in mist, the road disappearing before their eyes.

The morning remained chill and silent for a while, but gradually birdsong broke out and a pink blush could be seen on the horizon.

"Why is it we need to be into the forest by nightfall?" As enraptured as Drew was by his new surroundings, he couldn't ignore the funny phrasing Blaze had used.

"Oh... you really are stupid."


"It's Full Moon tonight, you dingbat!" Blaze rolled his eyes and began muttering.

"I've never had much reason to keep track of the days! It's not like it's a special occasion or anything." Blaze stopped so suddenly Drew ran into him. "What?"

"It's not like it's a special occasion?" Blaze repeated in a strangled voice.

"It's not!" Drew huffed. "All Full Moon has ever meant is that there will either a night fight or I'm moved to solitary confinement. I apologize for having no idea what normal werewolves do!"

The shock and offence melted off Blaze's face and was replaced with something terribly close to pity. Drew hated it. He shoved past Blaze, blood pounding in his ears and continued down the road with considerable, embarrassment-fueled speed. He hardly noticed when Blaze drew level with him.

"Typically, packs have a certain spot they Shift at," he said quietly. "It usually has special significance, like a shrine to Lupa, but sometimes they just pick a spot in the middle of their territory." Drew slowed down a bit. "When the moon rises, the Alpha begins to Shift. He always goes first, and everyone follows suite. They always howl once they've all Shifted. I'm not really sure why," he added with a smile. "Then they hunt. They start off together, and then break apart into their little subpacks. The whole night is just running and hunting. Near morning, everyone comes back to the caves and the Alpha makes sure everyone's there. If no one's missing, they all just crash in the nearest spot available. Most don't Shift back until morning."

"What does everyone who can't Shift do?"

Blaze shrugged. "Depends on what pack it is. Some stay behind at the caves, others join for just the beginning part, others run with the pack as long as they can stand. There's always someone at the caves to watch the pups, but not many. That's why so many packs are attacked during Full Moon. Their caves are vulnerable."

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