Chapter Eight - Ruthless and Restless

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Drew and Blaze waited in their room, wallowing in anxiety, waiting for Drew to be summoned for punishment at any moment. There was no way he would get away with attacking Hayden and his crew. He was a servant, a new one at that, and Hayden had been handpicked to defend the castle.

They had no sleep that night. The sun rose, pale and Weak, smothered by clouds. Before they had even started for the door to begin their day, someone knocked. Drawing in a steadying breath, Drew opened the door. A tired paige stood just outside.

"Drew Hawthorne?" he asked.


"You've been summoned by the Crown Prince Duncan to his private office."

"Well, lead the way," Drew answered grimly. At least we're not just being dragged straight off to the dungeons.

The paige led Drew up three flights of stairs and up a spiraling tower. He stopped at an iron bound door, sounding the knocker. A muffled voice called 'enter' from within. The paige pushed the door open and looked at Drew expectantly. He stepped forward, and the door banged shut behind him.

Duncan's office was meticulously tidy, expect for the spread of papers across his desk. Duncan himself was standing at the window, watching the early morning bustle of the city with predator eyes. For too long, they stood in silence, until Drew could barely stand it anymore.

"Spies are a very really threat, you know." No! How can he know? Drew inched his hand towards his sword, far more loyal to saving his own skin than the Rhodaezka Movement. "We have to put an unfortunate amount of energy into sniffing them out," Duncan continued, "And we always need more help." What? Drew moved his hand away from his sword.

"Sir, what exactly are you asking me?"

Duncan turned sharply. "Jumping right to the point, aren't you? Good." He walked over to his desk, sitting down and motioning for Drew to sit.

"I'd prefer to stand."

"And I'd prefer you to sit. Now." Fir a brief moment, both Drew and Wolf wanted to refuse, to fight. But the moment passed and they took the chair across from Duncan. Duncan leaned back in his chair, looking Drew over like a piece of livestock. "I believe I can use you to kill two birds with one stone, Drew. As you overheard the other day, Sir Tandry is no longer the right man to oversee the training of my future guards. He's aged out of it. Which is why you will be put in charge of all the physical aspects of training. You teach the trainees how to fight, and Sir Tandry teaches them how to think. But while you teach them to fight, you keep a close eye on them. You integrate yourself into their groups. You learn their true loyalties, and report any deviants to me. Understood?"

"Why would you trust me with something like that? You know nothing about me."

Duncan smiled a cold smile; a killer's smile. "Who said I trust you?"

"Good. I wouldn't work for anyone fool enough to trust."

"I have a feeling we'll get along quite well." Up until I bring your kingdom crashing down around your ears. "You will start your new job today. I want good results no matter what it takes. Sir Tandry has already been notified of the change. Dismissed." Duncan turned to the papers on his desk. Savage joy blooming in his chest, Drew rose and headed for the door. "Oh, one more thing."

Drew turned. "Yes my lord?"

Duncan didn't look up from his papers. "I know plenty about you, wolf."

Blaze was pacing in hall connecting to the tower, glancing every which way to make sure no one was around. When he saw Drew, pure relief swept across his face.

Age of War: Book One - Alliance of WolvesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz