Chapter Seven - Snapping Tempers and Bones

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Drew had always been able to shrug off insults and wait for the right time to attack, but sometimes enough was enough. Hayden's insults and shove grew more frequent, more vile, and more violent. His friends followed suit, and Drew and Blaze had a whole gang to deal with instead of just one. Blaze always seemed less bothered by their attention, so they focused more on Drew, always trying to get a reaction.

He was finishing his breakfast when Hayden, Marden, Verl, and Kayde found him. They joined his table, knocking against him when they passed and boxing him.

"I didn't dogs were allowed to eat at the table," Hayden said in a mock whisper.

"And I didn't think dogs knew how to use spoons," Marden shot back. For some reason, that was the insult they'd settled on. Dog. They had no idea how close they were to the truth. Drew didn't respond, didn't even look up. His control was fraying, a rope above a burning candle. Wolf didn't help. He raged at the Hayden and his cronies, begging, demanding that Drew let him out, let him fight.

Drew resisted even that. The bell for training began to ring, and Drew stood, silently screaming a thousand curses when Kayde tried to trip him. He still couldn't get away from them. They followed right behind as he walked through the halls, piling on insult after insult, just begging for Drew to give them a reason to beat him. When they reached the courtyard, Drew sped up, leaving them behind at last.

"Yeah! Go on and walk away," Hayden called after Drew. "Lay down just all the rest of you krawler dogs." Drew stopped mid step. That was it. The insult of all insults, the only one he couldn't shake off. Krawler. The most derogatory term possible for someone from Klietus. Drew had no idea where he was really from, but he certainly looked like he was from Klietus.

He turned, slowly, slowly, letting the fire he'd tried to keep dampened down rage to life. The triumph in Hayden's eyes drained away as Drew's own eyes filled with golden hatred.

"Care to say that again?" Drew asked softly. Verl, Marden, and Kayde all took on unconscious step backwards.

"Let's go Hayden," Marden whispered.

"Yeah, we're gonna be late for training," Verl added, fear in his voice.

He's the weakest, Wolf said, a touch of glee in his tone. Drew shifted his gaze to Verl and bared his teeth. Of course, they thought it was a smile. Either way, it had the same unsettling effect.

"But why leave now?" Drew asked. "You've been pushing for a fight since you laid eyes on me. Well, your wish has been granted." He stalked closer, truly grinning when Vern flinched.

"You think you can fight all four of us?" Hayden scoffed.

"Oh, I know I can." Fear flashed across their faces, and the scent of it was the last thing needed to push Drew over the edge. He lunged.

He slammed into Hayden, knocking him and Marden to the ground. Regaining his feet in an instant, Drew swung at Verl. His fist struck his jaw with a most satisfying crack. Kayde aimed a blow at Drew's head; a sloppy roundhouse, one easily dodged. While Kayde was exposed, Drew punched him in the side, rewarded again with a crack and a cry from the unfortunate target.

By now, Hayden and Marden were on their feet and Verl had dropped to the ground. A flurry of blows rained down in Drew, either missing entirely or glancing off him with no effect. In a particularly dirty move, Drew knocked Marden's feet out from under him. He landed on top of Verl- his head, to be specific- and his own skull made sharp contact with the ground. Marden rolled to his side, clutching his head. Verl, however, stayed frightfully still and silent.

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