Author Note

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This is the second draft of this book. The first draft was up for a while, but I recently removed it. If you read the first draft, let me tell, it's worth reading the second draft as well. It will be considerably longer, as well as much better written. 

I hope to put a new chapter up each Wednesday, but I'm in high school and doing two credits of Literature and three credits of Math this year. (Yes, yes, I'm homeschooled.) We'll see how things go, but there may be weeks were nothing new is posted. I apologize in advance. 

If you're reading Alliance of Wolves for the first time, welcome! And if you're here reading the second draft because you loved the first draft so much, welcome back! get ready for a lot more page time with your favorite side characters!

Age of War: Book One - Alliance of WolvesWhere stories live. Discover now