Chapter Twenty Two - The Effect of Ignius Green

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A wave of whispers was rippling through the city. It began when a messenger came cantering through the the streets, nearly running over half a dozen people. What was so urgent? Why did he go straight to the king? Then a new flock of murmurs took flight from the city gates. A caravan of prisoners.


Yes, important prisoners. Long before the caravan reached the castle, the whole of the city knew exactly how many prisoners there were and how many men were guarding them.

But who are the prisoners?


Pirates they say.

Pirates captured from the North East coast.

I've never seen a pirate up close. Do you think they'll burn the captain like they did with the last one?

So urgent, so self assured were the whispers that Blaze made Drew stop training just in case- just in case. They waited upon the battlements above the gate, Blaze never taking his eyes off the road below them.

"Blaze, it'll be a while before they get here. Remember how long it took us to just get here on foot?"

"I know, but they arrived this morning, they should be here any mi- there!" He pointed wildly leaning over the battlements so far that Drew grabbed him by the arm. He fell gravely silent as the caravan made its slow way up the street and through the gate, hands shaking and barely breathing. "Please don't let be anyone I know. Please don't let it be anyone I know." The armored wagons creaked to a halt, guards jumping down and clearing a path to the inside of the castle, where the prisoners would be led to the dungeons. The door on the first wagon was unlocked, the metal bolts slid aside. Guards circled around the entrance, weapons drawn.

The door opened, and out stepped a red haired man, bound hand and foot and beaten bloody.

A strangled cry burst from Blaze, sounding more wolf than man. "No! No!" He dropped to his knees, knuckles white as he gripped the ledge.

"Blaze? Blaze who is it?" But then the an turned, as if sensing Blaze's distress, and Drew didn't need anyone to tell him who it was.

It was like looking at a slightly older, leaner version of Blaze, with a rakish smile that not even a beating could kill. Other pirates began to file out of the other wagons, all similarly bound. A blue Huminile, a large draconic creature, snapped at the crowd of guards, roaring with laughter as they skittered back. A spear to the side banished his mirth though, and the grim air returned.

"Which one of your brothers is that?" Drew shook him by the shoulder. "Blaze, come on!"

"It's- it's Ignius. That's why he never responded to my letters. He must have been captured weeks ago."

"Get up."


"We can get into the dungeons to talk to him, but you have to get a grip!"

Blaze surged to his feet, eyes glowing gold. "You know what they did- what they did to my father when they caught him?"

"Yes, you t-"

"He was nothing compared to Ignius. Nothing. And you can't burn a Hellhound." He fisted his hair, a deep whine rising from his chest. "Oh gods, what are they going to do to him?"

"Nothing if we do something!" Drew's snarl seemed to snap Blaze into place. "I'm sure Ignius will be touched to know that you sat here and wailed while he was executed instead of actually trying to help him! Move!" Blaze started towards him, bringing his fists up with a growl. Faint cracks and pops warned of the Shift that threatened to wash over him.

Age of War: Book One - Alliance of WolvesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum