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I have to keep running. If they get me, that's the end of it. All the Wendigos that have been caught have never returned.

  They have been chasing me for over an hour. The sounds of the gunshots and the barking of the dogs has started to drive me crazy. I can't keep this up. Not for much longer at least. I must find a place to hide and fast. I have no chance of winning against them given their number. I shouldn't have approached that farm...

  We were passing through the forest at an incredible speed, if we keep running towards that direction we will go into town. I must in no way go to the town. I am sure there will be more of them waiting to get me. All of a sudden I feel an immeasurable amount of pain at my back. Some of them had succeeded to shoot me. Everything started to get blurry, I felt that my feet could no longer support my weight. I heard some of them shout something between the lines of "we got it!" and "keep it up, the drag has yet to take full effect!".

  We were almost into town... I can't  let this happen, I mustn't let them get me... I take a sudden turn to the right towards the small lake. The forest is a lot thicker there, I might have a chance of escaping.

  I was now in my element. I can move much easier between the trees and the harsh landscape works to my advantage. The humans were now left far behind. Next I have to take care of the dogs. I am in no condition to fight though so I need to find another way to either kill them or lose them. Right now I can only see one option.. We were nearing the lake.. I increased my speed as much as I could. I am now able to see the old wooden harbor. I get on it and go to its edge. The dogs are right behind me. It's only then that I realized how many of them had followed me. On the old harbor with me were now more than 20 dogs... If I let them get me I am dead meat.

Before they manage to land an attack I turn. I look into the grey waters of the lake. Leaves and branches from the trees were all over the surface. A small fish was swimming lazily from the lakeside towards me. I felt as if it was making fun of my situation.

  I could no longer stand there. Apart from the dogs I no longer had the power to continue running. My vision was even worse now. I could hardly make the shape of the animals behind me. One of them was about to bite my leg. I could feel it's breath on my skin. As I said before I am left with one only option.

  I saw my whole life in front of my eyes as I jumped of the wooden harbor in the cold water of the lake. I was going down. Near the bottom. It's so peaceful here. I felt the cold water embracing me as I sunk even deeper in it. The dogs seemed more like a memory now... I could no longer hear them... If only I could stay here forever...

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