Chapter 20

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The Valers all forgot about their weary body and aching feet. When they saw the Griever, they all ran where Harriet ordered them to. While Harriet was leading the Valers away from the Griever, Sonya and the two other Runners stayed back to fight and lead the Griever away. 

"I thought it was all clear," Sonya glared at Maya and Rosa.

"We didn't see the Griever earlier," Maya tried to explain. 

The three of them were leading the Griever away from the Valers. While the Griever's attention is on the three of them, the Valers were sneaking away behind it. It hasn't attacked the three Runners yet and was cornering them. 

"What do we do?" Rosa asked Sonya. 

"The only way to kill this thing is to go for the head. What are your weapons?"

Maya showed her spear to Sonya. Rosa showed her scythe. Sonya took out the dagger that was a gift to her from (Y/N) last year. She loved the dagger but she couldn't help but scowl. A spear and a scythe has more chance against the Griever than her tiny dagger. 

"Rosa you distract the Griever. Maya and I will get vines to tie up its legs. Then when it's down, cut off its head. From my experience that's how it can be killed. Got it?" She looked at the two girls who nodded. 

Sonya took one look behind the Griever and saw that the Valers were all gone. It was now time to strike. 


Rosa stayed to take the Griever's attention while Sonya and Maya went to get some vines. It was hard at first since the Griever's attention was taken by the things that were moving. But Rosa was able to think of a plan and went near enough the Griever to place a cut on its tail. 

The Griever screeched and it hurt the three girl's ears. The Griever then turned around and faced Rosa and was now attacking her. Rosa tried her best to avoid the attacks of the Griever. As much as she wanted to cut its legs, she can't because they're made out metal. 

Rosa was already having a hard time trying to dodge the six legs of the Griever unscathed. Then her eyes widened when she saw that one of its legs suddenly had a syringe. Even if she saw it for the first time, she knew that if she'll get stung, she's done for. 

"Anytime now guys!"

Seeing that she was cornered, she escaped from under the Griever. But she felt a sting on her arm. She feared for the worst but was relieved when she saw that it was just a cut from the other legs. 

Sonya saw that Rosa was struggling and tried to move faster. She and Maya already had their vines. Now all they have to do is to tie up the Griever's legs. 

Sonya and Maya went over to the Griever and tried to tie up its legs. The both of them were able to bring down the Griever and all that was left to do was to behead it. 


Gripping her scythe, Rosa ran to the Griever and beheaded it. 

When they were sure that it was dead, the three girls celebrated and took a breather. But their celebration was cut short when they heard another screech. 

Grievers then came out of no where and surrounded them. 

"Girls," Sonya gripped Rosa and Maya's hands, "it was a pleasure knowing you."


Because of their fear of the Griever, the speed of the Valers were enough to get them closer to the Hole. They've been running for another hour without a break because of the adrenaline in their veins. If they keep it up at this speed, they could make it to the Hole in just a few minutes. 

As much as Harriet was glad that the Valers are picking up the pace, she can't help but worry about Sonya, Maya, and Rosa. She keeps looking back from time to time to see if they're able to keep up but she's always faced with disappointment. But she couldn't show this to the Valers. With the other three Runners away, she was the only one who could lead them. 

Harriet looked around at the area and saw that they were close. She was thrilled. She wanted to tell the Valers to rest but the progress was really good and she didn't want to break it. She could also see that they didn't want to stop. 

In just a few minutes, they were there already there. They were at the Cliff that leads to the Hole. 

"This is it," she told them. "We go down there and we're free. Who wants to go first?"

The Valers all looked at each other, waiting for someone to volunteer. Harriet looked at the Valers in disbelief, they followed her out here and now when they can be free, they don't take the chance. She felt angry and disappointed in them. As much as she wanted to be the first example, she had to be last to make sure that everyone goes down safely. 

"I'll go first," Annie raised her hand. Harriet smiled as Annie went in front of the crowd. "This is our last step to freedom. I'll take it." 

Without hesitation, Annie slid down in the Hole. 

Five seconds passed. 

"It's safe guys!" 

After hearing Annie's voice, the Valers all went to the Hole and took their last step to freedom. 

Harriet was so happy to see that the Valers were all moving. In just a matter of minutes, she'll go to the Hole and have her freedom. But then she heard a screech and so did the remaining the Valers. 

Harriet stared at the horizon and saw Grievers coming towards their direction. She urged the Valers to hurry up. They didn't need to be told that. 

Now, it was Harriet's turn to go to the Hole. But before she went in, she looked back and saw that the Grievers haven't moved. Harriet tried to see why.

Then she saw.

There was Sonya, Maya, and Rosa. And the Valers who she thought had stayed behind. They were fighting the Grievers, buying them time. 

"GO HARRIET GO!" Sonya ordered Harriet when she saw the girl staring. "Don't worry! We'll catch up!"

Breaking the trance, Harriet made her way down the Hole. A feeling of glee overtaking her entire body. Sonya and the others were alive and they're free. Harriet couldn't help but laugh. She felt so carefree and happy. 

When Harriet landed, she saw that she was in a room. It was a little dark inside but she could see the other Valers. 

"Where are we?" She heard Rachel ask. 

Nobody answered because nobody knew. 

"Look around. There may be an exit here," Harriet commanded. 

While everyone was searching for an exit, they heard a laugh echoing in the entire room. Everyone stared at each other in fear. They huddled together and were searching for the source. But the funny thing was that the voice sounded familiar. 

Suddenly, the lights were open and they saw a girl by the light switch. Her clothes bloody and tattered. Her skin covered in dry blood. her right hand was holding a gun. Her hair tangled but when everyone's eyes landed on her face, they stepped back in shock. 

Aris couldn't believe his eyes. The girl's mouth was formed to a smile. But when he looked at her eyes, they were carrying too many emotions. He looked at her cheeks and they were wet with tears. She was crying but she was laughing.

Aris squeezed in the crowd and made himself known to the girl. 








❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

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