Chapter 14

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When Aris was finally going to go back to the Croaker's Hut and maybe get some sleep so that he won't think about (Y/N), he stopped short when he saw someone climbing the vines of the Maze. He took a few steps closer and saw that it was no other than (Y/N).

Awe and fear gripped through him as she took each step higher and higher.

(Y/N) has done a lot of reckless and dangerous things when she was new to the Vale. Things that never failed to give Aris a heart attack. He'd always feel so helpless when he'd just watch her from a screen, knowing that he could deliver her to safety but that he also couldn't.

Aris was about to go to the Maze wall and try to tell (Y/N) to get down but then he heard a voice in his head.

No! Teresa told him. You must not interfere.

Why not? She could get hurt.

She's trying to find the way out. It's all part of the plan.

But we both know that the sky isn't the real sky and that if anyone were to touch it-

They'd get electrocuted. Teresa finished for him. But this is all part of the test that Chancellor Paige has for her. For the both of you.

Aris fisted his hands and let them breathe. He didn't want to be a bystander. He didn't want to just stand back and watch as she was going to get hurt, but he didn't have a choice. His heart might be loyal to her but his mind is loyal to WICKED.

Then Aris got confused, what did Teresa mean that this test was for the both of them?

If he had a part in this, why wasn't her allowed to interfere?

Aris tried to contact Teresa once again but there was no response and he was just giving himself a headache for nothing. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration. Then he remembered that he was supposed to be watching out for (Y/N).

He saw her standing on the top of the Maze walls. Her head was directed towards the rising sun. Even if his entire body was shaking with anxiety for her, he couldn't help himself but admire her as she stood on top. Anyone who could see her would've felt a little intimidated by her.

Feeling sweat on his forehead, he took in a deep breathe so that he could calm down. But his heart was thumping loudly that he thought that that the entire Vale could hear him. He was shaking his hands as he watched (Y/N) walking on top of the wall.

He felt his breathe leaving him when (Y/N) was reaching out her finger to the ceiling.

"She found out," he said in horror.

Aris suddenly found himself running. He wanted to yell but then he might wake up the entire Vale and he knows that she won't hear him. He'd just waste his voice. He wished that his legs would be faster. Once again, this horrible feeling of being helpless while (Y/N) was in danger.

Then when (Y/N) fell off, Aris felt his heart stop.

Aris remembered that this test was for the both of them. He had no idea what this test was about and how to pass it. He was clueless.

Feeling desperate, Aris tried to call (Y/N) through telepathy. He called out to her as he was running, but he knows that he couldn't catch her.

Telepathy was already easy for Aris, it was like breathing. But he had to focus like it was the first time once again. When he tried to call out to her, he was met with the same feeling of a shield or a wall blocking him from her. He'd usually give up on calling her after a few minutes of silence, but he wasn't going to give up now.

He tried and tried until he finally felt the shield crumble down. There was now a small opening and he wasn't going to waste a second.


Aris watched (Y/N) open her eyes and suddenly grab on to a vine. He stopped running and suddenly felt his legs hurt. He has never run this far and this fast before. Aris wanted to scream. This was one of the rare moments that he got mad at WICKED. But he didn't have any time to throw a tantrum. He saw (Y/N) climb down the vines and suddenly black out.

"This was the test," Aris gasped for breath. "We're still connected. But now what?"

He was really confused. He was connected to both (Y/N) and Rachel. What was WICKED planning?

Aris shook his head and went to (Y/N). She was barely breathing and she was also bleeding. He wiped away all the blood on her face with his shirt. He didn't want to move her because it might hurt her. So he cleaned her up and checked her pulse every minute to see if she's still alive.

"You're an idiot. An idiot," Aris kept on saying under his breath.

After a few minutes, (Y/N)'s eyes fluttered open and Aris was frozen in place. He had no idea if he was going to run or stay. But there was something different in (Y/N)'s eyes.

No, this wasn't the (Y/N) in the Vale. This was his partner. The one with cold determined eyes and walls as high as the Maze. She took his shirt and pulled his face close to hers.

"I missed you," she said softly then she kissed him.

Then her group on his shirt was loosened and she was unconscious once again.







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

The Former Partner (Aris X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora