Chapter 1

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Two days ago...

"What job do you think the greenie will get?" (Y/N) asked Sonya as they were taking a break inside the Maze. They were taking out the food that Annie, their cook, prepared for them.

"I don't know," Sonya shrugged. "She looks like she's all over the place earlier."

"Aren't we all, the first time we come here," (Y/N) snorted to which Sonya didn't bother to reply to.

That was the last thing (Y/N) said before she started to eat her food. Truth is that she was thinking of that greenie ever since she saw her. She felt as if she knew her before, a feeling along with many others that she couldn't share with anyone. She just kept silent and hoped to be able to talk with the greenie when she gets back.

After their break, Sonya and (Y/N) continued their run in the Maze they've been running in for two years now. But even if (Y/N) has been running this same Maze, she still doesn't get tired of it. She still has this hope in her that they would be able to find a way out.

There was also another feeling that (Y/N) couldn't share with anyone, she felt at home and very familiar inside the Maze. Even when she first got inside it. Most of the new discoveries in the Maze were all because of her.

Everyone in the Maze knew that (Y/N) was somehow different from everyone. She had this optimism within her that never dies. She's also pretty brilliant and smart and has a lot of ideas to make living in the Vale more bearable. She was often offered the chance to be the Leader in the Vale, but she declined because she wanted to keep on running in the Maze. That's how she wanted to contribute.

"I'm going back," Sonya said as she glanced at her watch.

Sonya and (Y/N) have been partners in being a Runner for a long time. Sonya knew that there were times when (Y/N) felt that there was a new place that could lead them to their freedom. But those times were usually because (Y/N) offers to stay behind in the Maze.

Yes, (Y/N) has spent a night in the Maze, but she never felt scared. She's never even encountered a Griever before.

(Y/N) was tempted to spend another night in the Maze but she really wanted to talk to the greenie. So Sonya was shocked when she saw (Y/N) running alongside her as they head back into the Vale.

"Race ya!" (Y/N) laughed as she sprinted past Sonya.

Sonya didn't bother to race her best friend. Other than being optimistic, brilliant, and smart, (Y/N) was also incredibly fast. It's like she doesn't even get tired. There were times that Sonya thinks that her best friend wasn't even human, but she never really asked or pried since she knew that her reply would only be, "I don't know."

After an hour, Sonya and (Y/N) were back in the Vale. (Y/N) immediately asked for the greenie who was with Harriet, the Leader in the Vale. Seeing the two Runners, Harriet pulled the greenie with her to meet them. Getting a closer and better look, (Y/N) saw that the greenie had dark skin and tightly curled hair.

Seeing the greenie once again, (Y/N) had that feeling once again as if she knew her. She felt this same feeling of familiarity like when she's in the Maze.

"Here are two important people that I'd like you to meet Rachel," Harriet told the greenie, who was called Rachel. "That's Sonya, my Second-In-Command," she pointed at Sonya who held a serious expression and just nodded. That made (Y/N) roll her eyes since she could see Rachel getting frightened or intimidated. "And this is (Y/N). She's one of the best Valers around here."

"Awww stop you're making me blush Harriet. If I could blush," (Y/N) joked, making Rachel let out a small smile. "Can I borrow her for a while?"

Harriet looked at Rachel, as if asking for permission, to which she nodded. (Y/N) beamed and slung her arm around Rachel's shoulder.

"So, I bet that you've been shown the ropes around here right?" (Y/N) asked to which Rachel nodded timidly. "Is there a job that you want to take? Do you want to be a Runner?"

"Oh no! No I don't!" Rachel shook her head furiously.

(Y/N) tried to hide her disappointment since she felt that this girl should've been a Runner. "But what job do you want?"

"I could help Annie in the kitchen," Rachel replied in a small voice.

"Really?" (Y/N) smiled. "That's good. We haven't had another cook here since Lizzy. Annie could use all the help she could get."

"Who's Lizzy?"

"She was a Runner, but she likes to help out Annie when she could. We all might have this specific job, but we help out if anyone needs it."

"Was a Runner?" Rachel shivered. (Y/N) mentally facepalmed herself since that wasn't a smart thing to say.

"Well in a place like this, people come and people go."

A/N: Hey guys, I know not that much good of a first chapter. So sorry. This is my first Aris fanfic and I haven't read any Aris fanfiction at all.

Aris is coming in the next chapter and I hope to see you there my Valers.






- Once_Upon_A_Glade (My Wattpad account)

❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

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