Chapter 9

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A/N: If you haven't read The Fever Code, it's said there that Teresa and Aris never had their memories erased when they got to the Maze. So I'm following that storyline, meaning that Aris still has his memories.

When (Y/N) thought that Aris was asleep in her treehouse, the truth is that he was talking with Teresa who was in Maze A. Even when he came up into the Maze "unconscious," he was talking with Teresa through the entire thing.

"I'm trying to reach Rachel, but it's hard." Aris said the first time Teresa contacted him. "She's not responding."

"Try harder!" Teresa pushed.

"Any harder and my brain will explode!"

"Fine," she sighed. "How is it there?"

"Everyone's confused. What we expected things to be," he replied.

"What about her?"

There was a pause before Aris spoke again. "I haven't talked to her yet."

"Have any plans to?"

"Not if I can avoid it."

"You're so stubborn." If he was awake, he would've rolled his eyes at what Teresa was saying. There were more important things at hand and she was asking about his love life. "I've gotta go," Teresa then said. "I have to talk to Thomas."


It was hours later when the two Elite Candidates talked again.

While Aris was pretending to be asleep, he was trying to communicate with Rachel. But since that was still a problem, he was calculating on how he was going to act when he's "awake." He knew the protocol, watching the teens come into the Maze for two years. How they act and think and feel. He planned out that he was going to run away and then act helpless and confused. But then he wondered where he was gonna go when he's escaped. He knew this place very well, but where would he go?

He wasn't able to plan out that part because then he heard that Harriet and Sonya got badly hurt when they were in the Maze. He could hear Joan and Jane bustling about in what they call a Croaker's hut. Then he heard (Y/N)'s voice and it made him freeze.

"Jane!" He heard her call out. "Sonya needs your help!"

Hearing her voice up close made him nervous. It's been two years ever since he's heard her voice personal, not from a speaker. She sounded as strong and confident as the last time she talked to him, but it wasn't a memory he wanted to relive.

"I asked Jane to get something from the supplies for Harriet," he heard Joan say.

"Well here's Sonya. What can I do to help?" Pride swelled in Aris' chest when he heard that she wanted to help.

"Clean her up. Jane will be back soon with the serum." Joan commanded her.

"Serum?" There was a short pause and Aris could tell that (Y/N) was nervous. He was too, actually. Because using the serum meant that Harriet got stung. "Harriet got stung?" She voiced out his thoughts. He didn't hear Joan's reply, but he knew that it was confirmation that she did.

It was when Joan was injecting the Serum into Harriet was when Aris made his escape. He saw that he can make a clear run into the forest where he saw that no one goes into. The Valers were busy with their lunch which was in the Western side of the Vale. The timing was perfect.

Harriet's screams were so loud that he can stomp his feet and no one could hear. But he still won't take that chance. Aris silently got off the cot and tip toed his way out of the hut. But before he left, he looked back. He knew that he could get caught and it was stupid, but he looked back. Because of a gust of wind, the curtain covering up Harriet's bed blew to the side and Aris was able to catch a glance of (Y/N).

He saw (Y/N) with some of her hair covering up her face. Her clothes covered with some blotches of dry blood. She looked tired and exhausted and worried. She doesn't look like she aged a bit ever since he last saw her personally. She got a bit more muscle since he last saw her and she seemed more tan, but still the same.

"Hey, lover boy," Teresa's voice distracted him from his thoughts. "Yeah I can hear your daydreams."

Aris didn't respond and started to run, not having any idea where to hide. Unit he saw the treehouse that he knew that (Y/N) made and hid there. It was there he tried to contact Rachel again.



"RACHEL!" He yelled this time.

"Ow. That hurts," he heard her finally reply. "What the heck is happening? We're speaking through our heads?"

"It's called telepathy and yes." He was glad that he was finally able to speak with her.

"Oh my gosh," Aris heard a familiar voice groan. He blocked out Rachel's voice and started to reach for the door of the treehouse. He opened it and saw (Y/N) sitting on a branch right in front of him.

"Hey there greenie."






- Once_Upon_A_Glade (My Wattpad account)

❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

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