Chapter 14~Player 1 vs. Player 2!

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The third stage was beginning. The Procter was explaining that this was a preliminary round which made everyone anxious.

 1.  Sasuke Vs. Yoroi

The first match was Sasuke Vs. Orochimaru's minion, Yoroi. Kabuto quit, again. This time, because Sasuke wasn't hurt, Orochimaru was angry.

Because he didn't have the curse mark, he was fresh and ultimately strong than Yoroi, which meant that he didn't have to hold back or anything like that.

"Damn you!" Cursed Yoroi. Sasuke was smirking as he activated his Sharingan and charged at him with full force. "I'll make sure to defeat you..!" He said as he took a full fist of chakra and punched his stomach.

"Ack!" Small drops of blood poured from his mouth that was covered with a towel like mask. He landed on back and struggled to get up.

Soon, a stretcher and some doctors came in meaning that Sasuke won!

2. Shino Vs. Zaku

They were both healthy and clean. If Sasuke had gotten the curse mark, he would've broken his arm, well, supposedly.

They were fighting drastically. Zaku was using some sort of explosive that was built in his hand. The fight was coming to a climax with him in between Shino and his bugs.

"Always have an ace in the hole, right?!" He facial expression looked insane. But, when he tried to fire the explosives, he felt a sharp pain in his arms.

"AhhRGHGGH!!" He screams filled the arena, the holes were being blocked by insects. "It is good to have one ace, but two aces are better." Said Shino. I gotta admit, that was actually kinda cool! It was smart and subtle, even I forgot it was going to happen!

It ended with Zaku being carried away by a stretcher, which means....Shino Won!

3. Tsurugi Vs. Kankuro

Kankuro proudly displayed his puppet and slammed it on the ground. "Let's make this easy, okay? How about I win and you lose." This pissed Tsurugi off as he charged at him, trying to hit his face.

However, he was blocked by Kankuro. "Tch.." Tsurugi's body acted like a snake as it wrapped and squeezed Kankuro's body. 'Snap!' His neck bent forward and didn't come back up. There were some gasps in the crowd.

Tsurugi smirked, but his eyes widened in horror when he saw what looked like small cracks of clay falling from his face.

The puppet head turned around and faced him with an emotionless look. "Now, it's my turn!" It's arms wrapped around him like spiders as he grunted with frustration. "UghhehhAHH!" The real Kankuro revealed himself from the puppet holder.

"Well now that your bones are all crushed, imagine just how flexible you'll be!"

As he said this, Tsurugi fell over on his back and didn't make a sound. And that meant....Kankuro won!

4.  Sakura Vs. Ino

Now this was one that I wanted to see. 

Sakura wasn't useless like everyone had said that she was, she was strong. Right before she went down to battle, I said, "Hey, Sakura...Focus out there. Remember everything sensei taught us."

She nodded and went down the steps. Both girls were glaring at eachother, stirring up an incredible amount of negative yet prideful energy.

They fought using 'Kit gloves', and even though it wasn't as flashy as the other matches, it was still fun to watch. Ino was just about to punch Sakura in the face, until she...held back? In the anime, she slapped her. But now, she didn't even touch her.

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