Chapter 13~The Forest of...Trees

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This was the most important stage of the Exams. Sasuke was the key here, his life mattered. Last night, I thought of a way to pass this stage without bumping into Orochimaru.

Right now, we are at The Forest of Death. The trees were HUGE. Anko introduced us to this place, but I couldn't help and notice a SQUARE ROCK.

Sigh, Konohamaru is here for the interview. Naruto saw it, too. He started running back and forth over and over, it was ridiculous.

Gunpowder! Coughing! The Konohamaru Squad is here! Yeah, what. Anko cam over with an irritated look. 

"Hey, what you doing? You're interrupting the Exam." "Yeah, but Konohamaru wanted to do an interview."

She gasped. "Oh yeah! I totally forgot! Everyone, take a ten minute break." 

Everyone started getting interviewed. I sat down and ate some food I stole from Choji, fortunately he didn't catch me.

This was the longest ten minute break ever...Imma sleep. (Guys, that interview took a whole episode. What the heck.)

I got up from my slumber and went to the others. "This place creeps me out!" Said Sakura. Anko laughed, "Well you should be. There is a reason why they call it The Forest of Death."

Naruto didn't buy it. He started to do this weird dance and he looked like a duck. "They call it The Forest of Death! And soon enough you're gonna find out why!" He said mockingly.

"So, we have a tough guy here." She said, and she threw a kunai which cut his cheek a bit. She then appeared behind him. Honestly, it was scary.

Then, some lizard bitch with a hat said, "I was just returning your knife." "Why thank you!" They had the creepiest conversation ever, poor Naruto!

But he was being an idiot and tried to copy that dude. Or was it a girl? Then, she held up a form. A consent form.

"Some of you won't come back after this test, so I need your consent to that. Or else, it would be my fault!" She stared laughing like she knew we wouldn't come back.

She handed out a map, a scroll, and she explained what we had to do. We got the Heaven Scroll. The thing is, I have a trick.

Y'know how Kabuto was like, "Camp here and pounce on the guy who comes?" Well, what if we just stole the scroll before this thing even started?

I walk to Hinata. "Hey! Hinata! You know how to use your byakugan, right?" She seemed a bit startled before nodding.

"Let's make a deal. I'll tell you a way you can pass, if you give me some info." She was unsure at first. "What do you mean?" She spoke in a soft voice.

"I mean exactly what I say, I won't let you down." I knew that Hinata was kinda gullible. "Ah, o-okay."

Then, I told her what to do. "Use your byakugan to see who has what scroll. It's as simple as that!" She tried it and gasped. I assumed it worked.

"Tell me, who has the Earth Scroll?" She concentrated hard and pointed to a group near a some trees. "Thanks, Hina!" She smile slightly and waved.

"Naruto, I need your help." He looked at me. "For what?" "You're the best prankster in Konoha, right? I need you to trick some people."

He grinned, "Sure! Sounds like fun!" I walked him over to the group Hinata pointed at. We listened to their conversation, time to put this plan into action!

"Ah! Harunan! Help!" I cried. One guy from the squad came over to investigate, along with his teammates.

Naruto quickly set up the trip wire. The group walked back but they all fell, making the scroll visible. I snatched it and ran, panting. Me and Naruto looked at eachother before bursting out laughing!

I looked at the scroll and it read, 'Earth'.

Time to enter! I'm ready, for The Forest of Death!

In the Forest

"Guys! We need to think! How are we gonna find an Earth Scroll?" Said Sakura. I smirked, "Don't you just want to rest? Have you ever been camping before?"

She looked confused. "What are you saying?" "I'm saying that I already have an idea. I have everything in the bag, let's have fun!"

I convinced them to just go with it. We head for the direction of the center tower area, where we needed to turn in the scroll. Except, we made lots of turns so anyone who was following us would think that we're going somewhere else.

We settled in behind some trees and made a small hut. Okay, time to work! 

Next day 

"Guys, how much do you want to go home?" I asked. "I would like to go back.." Said Sakura. Everyone else agreed.

"Then follow me." We all got up and started walking. I walked out of the area, then in a circle, and basically I went everywhere.

Finally, I got to the Tower. I walked through the door and turned to my teammates. "Wait, you already have the scroll?!" Asked Sasuke. I nodded.

We turned them in and Iruka sensei greeted us. He was surprised at how fast we completed the stage.

He then explained what was on the scroll and what it meant, it was deep. Like, just saying. But I feel like it was also saying, "If you're smart then you're weak, and if you're strong then you're dumb." Like, what??

It was still inspirational and a good message. We walked out there like BOSSES. 

Come at us, bro!


How did you enjoy it?

Was it bad


But we escaped Oreo soo....

Sasuke's cool

He's alive and breathing

Thank u for reading!



Btw sorry for the short chap -_-

I'm Stuck in Naruto?!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat