"What was his explanation?" I demand.

"I haven't confronted him yet. I'm not sure I can express my feelings without chopping off his knob," she utters, stifling a sad laugh. The pain on her face guts me. How could he do this to her and Maysie? I can't comprehend what pussy would be extraordinary enough to risk annihilating another person's world. Your wife's world. "I thought I would wait until after the Christmas holidays to handle this. It will wreck May's holiday if she found out or we separated."

"That sounds fair enough. Maybe there is an explanation for this," I'm not even convincing myself, let alone Poppy, but god willing maybe, just maybe, there is a logical excuse for his behavior. "Try to hang in there, but you need to talk to him, and the sooner, the better, Poppy. I saw the way he looked at you and how affectionate Wells is towards you. He doesn't 'look' like the kind of man that would have an affair," I use my fingers to emphasize, look. "My husband wasn't loving or doting in private but even less around an audience. Wells adores you."

"Do you truly believe that there could be some silly excuse for all this?" No. But that's not what you tell a friend that's desperate for positive affirmation.

"Yes, I do. Have faith," I reassure her squeezing her hands across the table. "I am sorry that I talked about myself for so long and didn't notice that you were burdened with this shit. Next time promise me you'll shut me up."

"Darling, don't you dare apologize to me. Hearing about your new relationship with Theo is distracting me in the best way possible," Poppy says, blowing her nose into the napkin.

"I can cancel tonight if you need a friend. We could drink wine and watch cheesy chick-flicks, or we could go to a pub and get completely wasted on a weeknight," I offer, and Poppy laughs, finally turning her lips up in a genuine smile. Even if I can pull a smidgen of happiness from her, it's worth it.

"Bloody hell Ro. You're not canceling your date. I'll be dandy. Did I tell you that I almost went to uni to major in theater? I can perform as if nothing is wrong," Poppy throws her hands in the air with a dramatic theatrics. "I'm quite good."

"I didn't know that, but it doesn't surprise me."

Poppy leans in and grows serious sporting a deliberate look upon her face.

"Thank you for being an authentic and proper friend to me, Ro. It's hard enough to meet women that will have your back or drop anything for you on a whim, especially when you have a family to take care of, but you are special, and I appreciate you being a sounding board for me." Poppy does something I'm not accustomed to. She stands up, leaning across the table and places her delicate hands on my jawbone, pulling me forward to kiss my forehead. The act shocks me beyond description. She's more devoted and dear to me than any of my friends back home. I'm only acquainted with the casual hug hello and goodbye, not the intimate interaction between two friends. But I do like it — a lot.

"You're welcome, and if you need anything at all, day or night, call me," I almost beg.

"I will, and I want to hear all about your date first thing tomorrow morning," she replies, smoothing her blonde bob out with her fingers.


. . . . . . .

Once Cami and Brooks are in their beds for the night, I covertly change my clothing into appropriate date-wear and reapply my makeup. Sneaking around brings me back a memory to a time during my senior year of high school, where I would wear an oversized sweatshirt only to reveal scandalous clothing underneath. My dad was always strict about the attire that he was willing to let me leave the house in.

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