Chapter 13

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***February 21, 2019***

A week after Valentine's Day. Will had stopped coming down the stairs three days ago and started sending his unnecessarily large brutes down to bring me food.

I figured he was hurt by what I said and doesn't want to see me. I don't blame him. I was a little harsh. But my decision is final. I'm leaving this hell hole whether he likes it or not.

I've also been seeing his guards and studying their tactics. All in all, they're goons. They can't do anything right and they seem to want to fuck the first thing that moves. So I'm gonna use that to my advantage.

And you may be thinking that's not the best option, well look at my situation; It's my only option.

Okay, you're probably wondering what's my plan. Well...

Phase one: I get the guards' attention.
"HELP!! Please, someone! Help me!"

A guard came down. He grunted as he got to the bottom of the stairs. I could tell he wanted to know what the whole commotion was. I took the opportunity to get him close to me.

"I-I'm just feeling alone-and I just really need a big, strong, muscular man, to make me feel better," I said seductively.

The goon looked like he as contemplating. Wondering whether he would get in trouble for fooling around with the hostage.

But as I've told you before, these idiots will fuck any and everything that moves so...

Within seconds he shrugged and leaned in to kiss my lips. I stopped him.

"Hold. Let's go slow. I wanna make sure that I'm not moving on too fast from my fiancé."

He grunted, barely maintaining a thing I just said.

"Right. Now, I'll start."

I kissed his small grubby lips with as little passion as I could. It was disgusting. But as I've told you. By any means necessary.

I teased him and the other goon for about a week. Playing my cards right and making sure that when the time came for them to get anxious about putting it in, I would move onto phase two. That time came about three days later.
Phase two: Get these fucking handcuffs off of me.
It's about ten in the morning. Breakfast is about to be thrown down here to me and after that, it's three hours of being monitored as the goons keep watch and make sure I don't 'escape.' Or at least that's what's expected of them. What they do is take a three-hour nap and when Will gets back into the house, which is usually indicated by a hard door slam, and frantic loud footsteps on the hard wooden floor, the goons wake up with a jerk and pretend as if they've up the entire time. Idiotic, I know.

Twenty minutes later, just as the goons were about fall sleep, I called out to them.

"HEY! You!"

I called out to the closet goon near me. Of course, I didn't know their names. And why should I? They are mere pawns in my plan to get the hell outta here.

The goon looked at me.

"Yeah, you. Come here."

He stood and walked over to me.

I motioned him closer. He looked at me as with a skeptical look. He leaned down none the less and I whispered in his ear.

I could see the smile starting creep on his lips like how ice forms cracks when you pour water on it. Right where I want him.

I whispered in his ear again to get attention and keep him on track.

"Now do me a favor, go get the key so I can be more...flexible." I stretched that word as much as I could, trying to sound as sexual as possible. I was doing a shitty job but he wasn't suspecting a thing.

He hurriedly stood, rushed up the stairs to grab the key. He was back downstairs in less than a minute.

His stubby little legs struggled to carry him as he ran across the basement.

He walked up to me and unlocked my wrists. I felt my arms collapse to my side as the handcuffs swing limply on the wall.

As I rubbed my wrist, the goon tried to make a move. So I had to be quick. I held out my hand as he tried to kiss me.

"Uh-hold on. I wanna make this experience a little more romantic."

He stepped back looking at me skeptically.

I looked around. The basement was full of junk from the few years with Will. Surely j can find something to cause a distraction or something.

And then it hit me. I walked around the basement and passed about five boxes before I found a few candles and a baseball bat. I sat the candles on the boxes near us and around the room.

When I sat the last candle on the box closer to him, I turned around.

" Okay, I've set some candles around to set the mood but I need one more thing."

He raises an eyebrow.

I motioned him forwards. "Come here"

He moved closer, hesitant and eyeing the bat. I ignored his skepticism and continued to motion him closer.

When he got close enough for us to kiss, or for me to hit him, whichever you prefer, I swung the bat with all my force. He fell to the ground with a thud and didn't move a muscle afterwards.

I breathed out and began tying him up. I found the rope somewhere in the basement and sat him in the chair next to his friend.

As soon as he was tied up, I walked over to his buddy and knocked him out too. I know that sounds cruel but I'm not leaving no room to be recaptured.

After I tied up the second goon, I grabbed my bat and jet up the stairs. This is it!
Phase Three: Freedom!

Upstairs I burst through the door desperate to get the fuck out, and then...I saw him.  And all my hope of getting out of this hell hole vanished. Standing in the door way was Will, and he was not happy.

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